ITR to run w/ ITA/SM5/T3 at MARRS Labor Day Doubl


New member
Good news!

After failing to get it changed over the winter, the DC Region's Club Racing Committee has grouped ITR with ITA/SM5/T3 at the MARRS Labor Day Double. This is an IT National Tour qualifying event and I would expect to see some of the East's best IT drivers at this event.

While not a permanent change, I am confident that if all goes well over Labor Day (the last MARRS event of the season) that there's a good chance that we'll see this for all 2013 events.
Now the ITR guys need to band together and SUPPORT this grouping with your entries!!!

Yes they do! After all the bitching about ITR this and ITR that - PLEASE show up! Several of us worked very hard to have ITR included in the Grand-Am support race @ Mid-Ohio this year to have exactly 0 cars enter in ITR. With that lack of support, I wouldn't look for that class to be included if the event is held again... (just my .02¢)
They'll show up. Remember that the ONLY reason ITR drivers were bagging out of MARRS races was the race grouping.

It should be noted that SRX7 has been relocated to another run group to help accommodate this change. There were concerns from that class's rep that closing speeds might be an issue.
It may take a few events for word and support to build but it would be great to ping the core or the ITR drivers and have them swirl support from within. Nice job guys.
It should be noted that SRX7 has been relocated to another run group to help accommodate this change. There were concerns from that class's rep that closing speeds might be an issue.

Wut? ITR runs with ITB just about everywhere else except Summit. Spec 7 is right on B speeds, at least they should be.
Yes they do! After all the bitching about ITR this and ITR that - PLEASE show up! Several of us worked very hard to have ITR included in the Grand-Am support race @ Mid-Ohio this year to have exactly 0 cars enter in ITR. With that lack of support, I wouldn't look for that class to be included if the event is held again... (just my .02¢)

I would have included that on my schedule if it wasn't decided last minute. I can't decide to make a 12hr plus tow after my $$ is planned out for the season already. Make these decisions in December and you may get more people to show up. I get that some of us racers have a flexible job schedule and extra money to make last minute plans but my money and vacation plans are set over the winter. I had posted the question on this site multiple times when trying to plan my season.

Are there that many ITR drivers racing currently? I know we've only had one ITR car run in a MARRS event this year, and when we were down at VIR there were a couple of SARRC ITR cars. Are there more up north?
Lots of us up north. I bet 15+ but I haven't added everyone up to be honest. I know of at least two more being built as well. another thing to realize if I were to travel to a marrs race or mid Ohio I would need to give up 3 other race weekends just from travel costs!

I would have included that on my schedule if it wasn't decided last minute. I can't decide to make a 12hr plus tow after my $$ is planned out for the season already. Make these decisions in December and you may get more people to show up. I get that some of us racers have a flexible job schedule and extra money to make last minute plans but my money and vacation plans are set over the winter. I had posted the question on this site multiple times when trying to plan my season.


This whole event was last minute... In December, we didn't even know this was a possibility again for us to do. I appreciate the schedule comment, but around here we don't even have race dates from M-O until early in the current year. So planning a race season in December isn't an option for folks around here. (for the most part) Several of us pushed hard to get ITR included in the event to have exactly 0 show up. The event was a sell-out with a waiting list for ITS-ITC and SM. We had the cleanest and closest racing of the weekend and I believe everyone had a blast.
Even if you have zero ITR cars show up it doesn't hurt anything for them to have the option! I would hope that people would agree that the people arguing not to have the class are the ones wasting your time not the ones arguing to allow the class. ITR has some great new and old cars classed that attract professional attention. They are very similar in speeds to a well build/driven IT'S car so they don't hurt anything (other than the IT'S driver egos who want to be first overall). They won't shorten anyone's race anymore than an ITS car. With that said I am sure it was a great event and I encourage you to include ITR in your schedules so that locals are not discouraged from building them. I am sure that you will see ITR grow in your region as time goes on.

My comments apply to both the races discussed in this thread...

Good luck :)


*Not all ITS drivers have egos, that was meant to be a fun comment!
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