Jersey Road Racing Classic - 'The Jerk'


New member
Some great racing yesterday at the NARRC Runoffs at Lime Rock! Room for more.

Time for WGI and MARRS XI then it is time for the Jersey Road Racing Classic.

Usual groups. SRF, SM and SSM have their own groups, Dual TeamDI Pro IT as well. Races are on Saturday and Sunday. Friday is just qualifying (think of it as a free test day), if you cannot make it on Friday just start at the back on Saturday and come through the field. There are 3 regional races on Saturday and Sunday.

Registration is on with a link as well on (Thanks SJR!).

You asked for track time so here is what we have
October 16-18
3 - NJRRS Races = $290
2 - TeamDI Pro IT races = $400
5 - Do both!!!! = $590

BBQ on Friday and Saturday after racing. Come enjoy a fine autumn weekend in New Jersey.

Well, with 33 cars preregistered so far in the Pro-IT race it looks like that will be lots of fun!

However, despite my earlier plea, the preregistrations for the three Regional races are quite dismal. Right now there are only (3)ITR, (3)ITS and (3)ITB. This doesn't look like much fun at all. That leaves me with three choices:

1. Make another, more impassioned plea, reminding everyone of how the support of the parasite without commensurate support for the host is not tenable in the long term. Hopefully my use of fancy words :) will convince a bunch of the other racers (who are already going to be at the track) to register for, and race the regionals.

2. or I could do what most others are only the Pro-IT, withdraw from the Regionals, and let whatever happens in the future happen...(the piss in the punchbowl scenario)

3. or I could propose to the Stewards a restructuring of the racegroups to make the regionals more fun...for example, right now the racegroups are (unbelievably):

( 3) GROUP 3 - SSM (yes, an entire race with 3 cars)
( 8) GROUP 5 - SM
( 6) GROUP 7 - ITA/IT7/ITC
( 27)

Combine these FOUR racegroups, and run 6 races instead of 3, or run 40 minute races instead of 18 and 22 minutes.

what do y'all think?

Do #1 now. We like fancy words.

#3 will happen and we will once again have drivers complain about too much track time. Tough problem to have, ehhh?

This late in the season and with this economy it is hard to do races but this is the best bang for the buck. So after you get done at WGI or Summit come on over to NJ to race and have a good time.

Right now I'm just doing the Pro IT because unemployment only goes so far. The RV barfed so the budget went there. I'm looking for another $190 to do the other 3 races, I think my illogical mind will find it.
Good thought, although I'm not sure who all has the tires/brakes for 2 rounds of Pro-IT and 6 regional races (or 40 minute regional races + Pro-IT) at this point in the year. I see the whole weekend as a great opportunity to use up the tires/brakes I have left though. After the Pro-IT and regional I'll probably be running on the cords as it is...but what's another hour anyway, right?

Another option: Groups can be combined which may provide for a late start/early end to the day and maybe we get some longer races too. Gotta think about the workers this time of year if it's cold out.

I know my teammate is going for the ITS Championship in Pro-IT and is worried about something mechanical happening in the regional that will take him out of contention. He still signed up for the regional, but it's a worry nonetheless. Others might have that same concern.

Either way, lots of track time, can't wait. Support the regional if you can!

...and how about some DRY weather at NJMP for a change?!
Good question but ...... I don't like the answer.

Be sweet getting the 240 on the track! See you at NJMP!:happy204:
A big NNJR thanks to all the workers and drivers that braved the weather in south Jersey. You figure one Nor'easter would have been enough but we gave you two!

All I can say is we have the best volunteers and support staff in the world. The SCCA workers are the best in the world and this past weekend reinforces that fact.

As always a big thanks to South Jersey Region, a class act.