JME 944 Guide Value for Money??

Off Camber

New member
Am seriously consifering a 944 or 944S for prepping in ITS I was wondering if any one has purchased the ITS Organizer, For lTS racing in SCCA Rule by rule explanation of how rule relates to the 944. $100 from JME??

If so what was your impression of the guide. Was it value for the money??

Cheers SteveP
Hmmmm, if you're questioning the spending of $100, maybe an IT 944 isn't for you!! :lol:

(I started in SCCA in a 944. Although I didn't buy Jon's book, I should have)
Nice one. :happy204:
Not questioning spending the money just if I should spend it on the book or those nice new shoes to match my suit :D :P
I'm in the same boat, with a 944S2.

Your question is bigger than you think.

First, the answer is YES. $100 is NOTHING in the world of racing knowledge.

Second, the bigger issue is the car, and it's relative competiveness and cost to attain that level.

Right out of the box, the 944 handles well, and is a good all around car. But in the top levels of ITS, that's not good enough.

Get out your checkbook. I might be wrong, but I think Milledge is THE guy you go to if you want a 944 motor built to IT rules, and you want top drawer power, which you will need. he's very bright, and leaves no stone unturned. But that comes at a price. You will get essentially, an engine that is better than factory, and more powerful as well. Cost? Tough to say exactly, but it's easily beween 12K and into the 20s, if upi go Motec, etc.

So, is the 100 worth it?? Uhh yea....but it's the tip of the iceberg.