I called my director, and he wisely (he's very wise) pointed out Toms point, which is that the CRB supported the ITAC.
Agreed, they did, ....kinda...and on one hand I can't fault that. Even so, a split vote sent to the CRB is a "you decide" vote ....
BUT, there's more here that's not so black and white.
The CRB knew:
- The previous ITAC was much more in favor of it.
- The new ITAC was split evenly.
- The membership was VASTLY...nearly unanimously in favor, in the largest input in the history of the category.
- The dissenting members of the ITAC were, in one case, NOT even driving IN IT, and in another, pretty out of touch with the category and membership, and the new votes were likely swayed by these members. So to my eye, one of those votes shouldn't even COUNT.
Based on all that, AND the fact that the CRb knows it's already in trouble in the eyes of the IT membership, I'd have thought they would have:
- taken the "No recommendation positive OR negative", and made a call to support the obvious wants of the membership,
-or, refused to make a call and returned it to the ITAC for a clear vote.
But really, WHY is it that the CRb can reject the ITACs VERY CLEAR recommendation of adjusting the weight on say, the MR2, which was an admitted ITAC error, yet REFUSE to make the right call on this??
Or, when the ITAC ran the numbers on the BMW 528, it placed it in ITB. The CRB rejected that saying "It doesn't look like an ITB car, the engine is too big", and insisted that it go to ITA, where everyone knows it can't make weight. So, the ITAC redid the recommendation, this time for ITA, and the CRB approved that one......so, the CRB has shown it will ignore recommendations and force it's hand when it sees fit.
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