Just a couple pictures to make the other ITB'ers a little je


New member
The skip was gone the last time Stephen tested my car (Red Audi # 51), but it seemed to have absolutely no power... so we decided to replace the head... this is the ONLY thing that we have not changed since we had built the car, so maybe our problems will go away... We can hope anyway. While the head was off I decided to take a couple pictures tonight and help the 4 cylinder guys/gals dream to have a 5th cylinder!!! :-P





[This message has been edited by RSTPerformance (edited June 15, 2004).]
It looks like a VW deformity. Like a 6th toe or something.

[This message has been edited by 7racing (edited June 15, 2004).]

AH HA, my fair Blethens...with the removal of the head, I noticed you are using aftermarket screw-type hose clamps, not those stock annoying special plier grip type ones.

You are so in trouble at the next event I am at!
Looks like # 1 or 5 is running a little fat. Might be a place to start,also the skip was still there at LRP the last time out. Dude,Test Day. Its 20 minutes away & 400 bucks cheaper+- Call me when you fire the car off I love to see that much smoke