KFP Gold Brake Pads

I've used them and thought they worked pretty well...then I tried Cobalt Spec VR's.

ZERO comparison...much better feel and much friendlier to rotors. Better out of the box and earlier in the session.

I really like the Cobalts

YMMV of course...

Heard good and bad from other sources. Anybody use them?
My carbotechs arrived in the mail the other day!!! Prices have gone up since last year, but got to love the products they deliver :)

I run the carbotechs on my ITB swift. Very rotor friendly, last a long time (6 races so far), excellent feel and modulation, and great bite.
I am by no means a hotshoe...but I dont think I have ever been outbraked on track (of course this could be because my car weighs like 1850lbs :P )
I've been using them since day 1 on recommendation of the previous owner of your Saturn... Love them, would never try anything else... brakes completely not an issue for me, other than some hydraulics that finally packed it in at the end of last year... 6 years racing hard, and I'm only on my 2nd set of KFP's... though I hear they don't last quite as long on the SC2... :D
As it turns out, they don't make them to fit a Saturn anymore......... :bash_1_:

However, they are very close to the same caliper that some of the Mitsubishi's use. I was able to "modify" some Hawk Blue's to fit. We'll se how they last!!

non of the companies that offer good race pads have ours either. We have to get them made for us. We generally purchase normal pads (stock) and then send them in. They take off the brake material from the backing plate and then put thier material on. If we took our pads off before they were junk and before we destroyed the backing plates, then we would not have to purchase new pads all the time.

Anyway, if you don't have luch with those pads, give the carbotech pads a try!!!

I used the Gold's for about two years, then I put on a set of Carbotech's......going deep is an understatement.....Gold's were O.K., Carbotech's are sooooo much better...
To be honest, I never liked the Carbotechs on my Saturn. They did interesting things that I can only attribute to the pads, as when I changed pads to Hawks, I never had the problem again.

The blues will work great for you, Jeff. Just be sure to wave to everyone as you go deeper into the zone... :D