Labor Day MARRS 7&8


New member
Its shaping up to be a great weekend.266 cars and counting.Group 1 has 21 ITS cars and 15 ITB.Are you kidding me? We even have 3 ITR cars without me. Thats great news.This weekend I am driving the STU car.


53 ITR
You suck. :) Damn B'more Indy / ALMS for scheduling it on the same weekend. Glad to hear the pro racing hasn't hurt this weekend much.
The Batimor GP really needs to pick a differnt weekend, we had Labor Day first! 21 ITS cars and 20 ITA? Can't wait!
Pretty darn good Double turnout, considering the economy and the BGP. Trust me. The Orioles aren't gonna give up Labor Day weekend again, not to mention the disruption it is to the Inner Harbor area. My guess is if the pros get invited back it will be a different weekend, which will be great for MARRS. Looking forward to this weekend and watching the pros on TV sometime next week.

Moving it to a non-marrs weekend would be a great move. I suspect a large percentage of the folks at Summit Point this weekend would be in Baltimore if it was a non-MARRS weekend.. Unbeliveable.. We MARRS folks spend so much time training friends and family not to schedule things like weddings and graduations on MARRS weekends, then somebody who oughta know better has to go and schedule an Indycar race opposite the Labor Day Double! Oh well.. That's what Tivo is for..
Yeah, the NERVE! We are extremely fortunate to have such great support from all the volunteers in the MARRS series, especially those who may have been tempted into going to the BGP but decided to come out and support their own club so we could play. My hat's off to all of them. :smilie_pokal:
Seriously, the 50 or so people who aren't going to BGP...they should schedule it differently! lol I'm glad it's on a long weekend personally; just wish it were a different one.
Its shaping up to be a great weekend.266 cars and counting.Group 1 has 21 ITS cars and 15 ITB.Are you kidding me? We even have 3 ITR cars without me. Thats great news.This weekend I am driving the STU car.


53 ITR

Is ITR running with Big Bore?