Leaking 240sx power steering pump


New member
My power steering pump is leaking. Looks like it's from where the back cover mates to the pump housing. Presumably the gasket is leaking. Courtesy parts shows a power steering pump seal kit with the gasket for $21. Anybody ever replace this? Is it a simple job of taking off the cover and replacing the gasket? Is it easier just to get a remaned unit from the auto parts store? I wouldn't care so much, but ATF is dripping down onto things and making a general mess.

I also seem to have a leak where the steering shaft stub goes into the rack. Simple gasket/o-ring replacement or more involved?

I hate leaks.


Welcome to Nissan power steering. They ALL leak. Every Nissan I've owned (and that's been about 10 now) has leaked power steering. Even my G35 did at 40k miles. stupid.

anyway, yeah I've rebuilt a pump on my Maxima before- it's not too involved. the procedure is shown in the FSM.

The steering rack rebuild is a bit more difficult, but if it's just that one seal it shouldn't be too bad.

BTW, I just said screw it and converted mine to a manual rack. way more room in the engine bay, more power, and less leaks. :)