Lift for the home garage


New member
We got our new garage lift assembled and working this weekend. A friend of ours had one, and he turned us on to the company:
We ordered the Propark 7 model. It works nicely, and wasn't too hard to assemble. It runs on cables operated by a hydraulic cylinder. The ramps lock into place on the uprights, so there is no stress on the cables and hydraulics once you are upright. It also has snap on wheels that can be used to move the whole unit around. Just be careful if your floor has a pitch to it :blink:
Best of all, it was under $2k, and we saved another couple hundred by ordering 2 units with a friend of ours. Ask them when you call, they will discount for multiple units. :023:
If anyone wants photos, let me know and I'll post them.
that's the same one i have. seemed like a good deal two years and i have not had any experience to change my mind.

i am using more for storage than for service since the car sits on it.

greg had some great stories about creative financing methods!



Pro Park 7 Specifications
Capacity 7,000 LB
Lifting Height 72" (6')
Overall Length with Approach Ramps 208" (17' 4")
Overall Width 102" (8'6")
Overall Length without Approach Ramps 176" (14' 8")
Approach Ramps 37" (3' 1")
Runway Width 19" (1' 7")
Runway Length 166" (13' 10")
Runway Thickness 4 1/2"
Height of Columns 83" (6' 11")
Clearance Between Columns 92" (7' 8")
Clearance Between Runways 37" (3' 1")
Outside Runway to Outside Runway 75" (6' 3")
Clearance Under Runways 68" (5'8")
Gauge Of Steel .1875" / 3/16" / 5mm
Cable Diameter .375" / 3/8"/ 10mm
Motor - SPX/Stone

110 Volt, 1HP

Shipping Weight 1,588 LB.
Thanks JamesB. I haven't been on here since yesterday.
I'll grab some shots of ours tomorrow and post them. Ed assembled it alone in 4-1/2 hours. He said the hardest part was hoisting the heavier pieces around. Otherwise, it wasn't difficult to do.
Pretty simple operation too. And with a 7,000 lb capacity, it's more than enough for our little C cars.

p.s. They have other styles and capacities available too.