Lime Rock Oct 29-30

89 dbs like a HPDE

EMRA license...if you have a SCCA license you are all set. You just need to pay a $10 temp EMRA license fee. Bring your log book and you won't have to worry about getting your car teched.

There is some other info. in the previous LRP / emra post.

It is worth the trip! Jake G. just went to the Glen with me for the EMRA event. Lots of fun. Jake even won first place in ST2!

MR2 Jake and I will be at LRP.

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude si
Dave is right - the test I'll be using in tech will be 50 feet / 83 db / 1000 rpm below redline.

Some of the Wreck-Me-Otter guys had major problems in the March date we had there, as there was major variation amongst similarly equipped cars. Also keep in mind that the weather forecast is for possibly damp conditions, which makes marginal cars over limit. Most of you run at LRP more than we do, and know the deal.

EMRA Chief of Tech
Well, unfortunately, I got bounced at a PDA event last year for noise, so I'm out...too bad...GA
I want to go down and crew for a friend.

Does anyone know when Registration closes.

I know it opens at 7am

Do you need any temporary membership for crew?

You do not need a temporary membership to crew at EMRA events. Some tracks like to have your name on an advance crew list at the gate but I have not seen Lime Rock do this.
It is is best to register your car as early as possible. Some of the folks that do registration and tech are also involved in other duties once the racing starts. It's not impossible to register a car at mid-morning and run an afternoon race....but it can be kind of a hassle for everyone. It's much better to get to the track early and get your car all squared away so you can focus on enjoying the event.