Looking at the Schedule

Jeremy Billiel

New member
Now that the car is back up and operational I am looking at the calendar and is it just me or are there no events that stick and say I have to attend this one?
How are we supposed to answer that when we have no idea what you goals are?

I don't care about any champrioship anything. I am looking for the most amount of track time at tracks that are good/cool and going to new tracks are a plus.

The Triple June 5th will be a ton of time, but I am growing bored of the track. WGI double national would be much better if Pro IT were there that weekend as well.

I may have to just rent a ride for the VIR 13 hour and perhaps make it out to IT Fest. :shrug:
I don't care about any champrioship anything. I am looking for the most amount of track time at tracks that are good/cool and going to new tracks are a plus.

The Triple June 5th will be a ton of time, but I am growing bored of the track. WGI double national would be much better if Pro IT were there that weekend as well.

I may have to just rent a ride for the VIR 13 hour and perhaps make it out to IT Fest. :shrug:

Don't you actually have to race to grow bored of any track? LOL Other than the lack of Pocono race, which you would have missed anyway, this years available tracks/races is really no different than any other year.
Don't you actually have to race to grow bored of any track? LOL Other than the lack of Pocono race, which you would have missed anyway, this years available tracks/races is really no different than any other year.

Yup and thats the issue... There are no dates sticking out at me. No additional things to pull me to an event. Just the same olde...
Yup and thats the issue... There are no dates sticking out at me. No additional things to pull me to an event. Just the same olde...

Sounds like you just ain't a racer. At this point in your 'career' most people are chomping at the bit to race anywhere, anytime against anyone.

Do the NHMS Triple and go from there.
Yup Family is now the priority and I am no longer interesting in just driving rather looking for events that are so "good" that I would pass up time with the family to go to.
Ahh.... The double at the Glen is a long, long haul, but it one that am hoping to do if the job front comes around. That woudl be pretty sweet!
Well, since you mastered the NHMS, get the car in the trailer and head to the Glen for the double. Leave the rig there, and then return, pick it up and do the IT fest at Mid Ohio. Then the Narrc Runoffs, always challenging, no easy trophy, . Then drive it to VIR in OCt for the Goblins Go, ...TONS of track time...(so much you can't do it ALL) and lots of ITS and ITA comp. Then leave the rig, pick up a $79 flight home and return two weeks later and make the short drive to Atlanta for the ARRC.
Rinse, repeat.

Great tracks, great competition, the real deal. You'll have done the two pemier IT events in teh country, and you'll have driven on the 3 best tracks on the east coast.
Or just go attend a few events to watch Greg race?

Family can be the number one priority and a person can still be able to race. It's not a bad thing to have some away time for parents and it'll reenergize you. Or better yet, have the family come to events with you (much easier once he's a little older than 2).

Labor Day event at Summit Point. TONS of track time, quite a bit catered to family stuff and kids. Melissa, Isaac and a few others will be heading off to D.C. during practice day. Wait, on second thought maybe I shouldn't have your wife give Melissa any bad ideas.
I second the Glen and Summit suggestions. Sometimes you need to back off a bit to recharge yourself, just pick one or two fun events to do, new track, doubles, enduros, that sort of thing. You'll probably feel the racing gremlin rearing it's head again before too long and will be looking to do more.
Despite the interwebz chatter, almost none of us at this level of racing are truly pro or going pro, so there's no shame in making family or other events priority.
It's supposed to be fun, right? :023:
I could take the ITA miata approach to the situation.... :D

If you don't believe me build it and prove me wrong.

You are killing us. Really. You guys haven't given it a real shot yet. We all know it. You know it. So stop whining about the car and the tracks and the events and get out on track and race. We don't care where or when, just do what you can within your fiscal and timing constraints. Enjoy what you can have. Cripes, you just rebuilt the car from the ground up, so you chose this car - TWICE.

Just go and try and have fun. If nothing jumps out at you, don't do anything.
I'm just wondering what'll happen first: Jeremy drives anything or Andy drives anywhere outside of home base... ;)

Jeremy ain't racin'; every time I see him with that kid in his arms he's got this s**t-eatin' grin on his face, and whenever I *do* get him to help on the car he's always worried about getting home...