New member
I believe I mentioned once before about a local club putting on one the these SCCA PDE (Performance Driving Experience) events. At the time, I think several people, including Kirk, and maybe Jake?, indicated an interest in participating as an instructor. Well, now is the time to step up.
I have accepted the position of Chief Instructor for an event that will run at Pocono on June 17 and 18 (yes, that's Friday and Saturday). This event is being organized by Tri-Region. I am looking for instructors for the event. Here is the deal:
You do NOT need a comp license, but at least a Solo1 license or higher is preferred. This would include EMRA, NASA, PCA, BMWCCA, and possibly others.
I prefer experienced instructors, as in, you have done one of these events (HPDE or whatever) before. This is not required, but I'd like to get as many guys out there who've do this before as I can, since this is the first time this group is running one of these...
You must be able to deal with sitting in a passenger seat with someone who may have little experience (fear factor).
You must be able to guide these, um, potential drivers with a gentle hand (not a hand that is applied to the back of their head).
You need to be able to clearly explain and indicate the racing line, along with stressing good car handling.
You must agree to pay me... ONE MILLION DOLLARS (although I would take some sharks with frickin laser beams on their heads too).- OK, I can probably live without this one.
If you are interested, I would like to hear from you at my email address listed below. Please use the subject- Pocono PDE Instructor. Please include:
Phone number
License(s) Held
Can you attend both days (definitely?)
Just for your info (if you read this far), my experience with these events has included being a participant, an official, a co-organizer, an instructor, and working with a chief instructor at other events. Oh yeah, and I'm one of the people that helped get this program rolling in SCCA. The events I've attended have ranged from privately held days to marque club events (like the Shelby Dodge club). While I am experienced, I know there are some out there who've done more of these than I have, and I sincerely hope you'd give consideration to coming out and helping me put on a good event. I can't do this without a strong team of instructors that I trust.
As a fringe benefit, instructors will receive approx. 45min-1hr of instructor only track time, along with the freedom to go out a few at a time in the groups to do pacing, on-track observation, lead-follow, and modeling of techniques. If you intend to go on track, you will need to have a vehicle that passes tech, which is not hard... Watch this forum for another announcement with entry details.
Please let me know ASAP, and I'll reply to every email I get about this to let you know what's happening. I have quite a few positions to fill, so please let me know if you're interested and can make it. I'm sure we'll find some place to use your help.
Please email me at
I hope to hear from you!
Matt Green
"Ain't nothin' improved about Improved Touring..."
[This message has been edited by ShelbyRacer (edited March 12, 2005).]
I have accepted the position of Chief Instructor for an event that will run at Pocono on June 17 and 18 (yes, that's Friday and Saturday). This event is being organized by Tri-Region. I am looking for instructors for the event. Here is the deal:
You do NOT need a comp license, but at least a Solo1 license or higher is preferred. This would include EMRA, NASA, PCA, BMWCCA, and possibly others.
I prefer experienced instructors, as in, you have done one of these events (HPDE or whatever) before. This is not required, but I'd like to get as many guys out there who've do this before as I can, since this is the first time this group is running one of these...
You must be able to deal with sitting in a passenger seat with someone who may have little experience (fear factor).
You must be able to guide these, um, potential drivers with a gentle hand (not a hand that is applied to the back of their head).
You need to be able to clearly explain and indicate the racing line, along with stressing good car handling.
You must agree to pay me... ONE MILLION DOLLARS (although I would take some sharks with frickin laser beams on their heads too).- OK, I can probably live without this one.
If you are interested, I would like to hear from you at my email address listed below. Please use the subject- Pocono PDE Instructor. Please include:
Phone number
License(s) Held
Can you attend both days (definitely?)
Just for your info (if you read this far), my experience with these events has included being a participant, an official, a co-organizer, an instructor, and working with a chief instructor at other events. Oh yeah, and I'm one of the people that helped get this program rolling in SCCA. The events I've attended have ranged from privately held days to marque club events (like the Shelby Dodge club). While I am experienced, I know there are some out there who've done more of these than I have, and I sincerely hope you'd give consideration to coming out and helping me put on a good event. I can't do this without a strong team of instructors that I trust.
As a fringe benefit, instructors will receive approx. 45min-1hr of instructor only track time, along with the freedom to go out a few at a time in the groups to do pacing, on-track observation, lead-follow, and modeling of techniques. If you intend to go on track, you will need to have a vehicle that passes tech, which is not hard... Watch this forum for another announcement with entry details.
Please let me know ASAP, and I'll reply to every email I get about this to let you know what's happening. I have quite a few positions to fill, so please let me know if you're interested and can make it. I'm sure we'll find some place to use your help.
Please email me at
I hope to hear from you!
Matt Green
"Ain't nothin' improved about Improved Touring..."
[This message has been edited by ShelbyRacer (edited March 12, 2005).]