looking for a Hit car


New member
well thats what i do i fix cars that were toalal i hate flood car evey car i buy that was in water is a money trap and wast of time im looking for a car that was hit well on the track like a race ready car with a bent frame
Wow I guess I should start to proof read my posts. Sorry I was trying to say (not trying so hard I guess) that I repair cars that were hit. Wright now I have 2 Audi s4 one rolled and the other was hit in the front. why I hate flood cars is because I just bought a dodge Durango and the motor interior and every electronic part is dead but I am still looking for a car that is a IT car if any one has a hit car

Ps. Spell check save lives (and egos)!!!!
just messing with ya Stepan, shawn sampson of sampson racing communications has a wrecked pro7/it7/ita


[This message has been edited by 7'sRracing (edited May 26, 2004).]