Looking for a ride for Enduro or two drivers for my ITB Golf


New member
I'm looking for a ride - I'm willing to share with one, two, or three other drivers.
I currently have an SCCA National Comp license. My best pro series endurance finish was a 4th in class at the Rolex24. I have raced in a number of endurance races. I know what it takes to run a good endurance race.
I currently own and race an ITB Golf.
I currently race front wheel drive but I have plently of experience with rear wheel.
I'll consider any type of race car.

I would also consider running my VW Golf if there is a willing driver to pay their share.

Give me a call or drop me an email
Which race are we talking? I might be able to come up with some funds for a race. I run an ITC Rabbit with one track record and a pile of wins. BUT, the car is kinda laid up for now. I would be interested in trying an ITB Rabbit. Email me with some details at [email protected].

John VanDenburgh

VanDenburgh Motorsports
ITC Rabbit 05

I don't think you are ready to handle the power that ITB cars put out !!

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Dave Austin

I wanted to see what one of those high powered ITB cars are like ! :rolleyes: Then i can try to chase you and Bob around N.H. :cavallo:

If things go right ,($ wise ) I'll bring the PBR !

John VanDenburgh
VanDenburgh Motorsports
ITC Rabbit 05
Instead of passing us in your C car.

I sent your message to Bob about the PBR.
He's down with that!!

Hope you can make it.

Well the Rabbit will be back soon. I just got the new front suspension for it the other day. I mussed it up at the NARRC last October , and I have been running around in my friend Rick's Miata. ( Thanx Rick! :D ). So I am preparing to do some Rabbit racing for the end of this season. Hopfully I will be out at the Fun One At the Glen !

If i dont make it this weekend, kinda looking bleek at the moment, good luck and kick some A$$!

And maybe I might get a chance to race that new car of yours out at the Glen. I thought i saw ITB and ITC together....

....And then PBR's ... :birra:

John VanDenburgh
VanDenburgh Motorsports
ITC Rabbit 05
The motor went in today, and the graphics files where just emailed to my vinyl guy. I'm excited about the new rig. Hopefully she'll be ready for 6hrs of punishment. What a way to break her in.

The motor went in today, and the graphics files where just emailed to my vinyl guy. I'm excited about the new rig. Hopefully she'll be ready for 6hrs of punishment. What a way to break her in.


YAY!!! Your Back!!! :happy204:

For some reason I thought the race was this last weekend ?! Now that I know its this weekend coming up, good luck.(durr...) :wacko: It looks like I won't be able to make it. BUT..with any luck the Rabbit will be done...or at least close to it...We planned on that weekend to be the one weeknd dedicated to the car...not girlfriends or weddings or other such things. Hopfully I'll get a chance to test drive it too. Luckily where the car is stored , is out in Vicher Ferry/Clifton Park.

If ya get the car all done shoot some pics over. I'd love to see it.

John VanDenburgh

VanDenburgh Mototrsports
ITC Rabbit 05