Looking for guidance

Scott Nutter

New member
My two youngest sons currently 12 and 13 have worked all summer saving their grass cutting money to buy a racing Kart. I was wondering if anyone here knows of any wonderfull forums like this one here for Karting. I would like to find out what kind of kart we should be looking for. We would like a reliable race ready kart, not necessarily competitive( their old man runs an ITA Rx7 for crying out loud!). We will more than likley be running @ BeaveRun in PA.

Any input would be appreciated.
I'm thinking the big one is ekartingnews.com

Try the home page and I think there is a 'forum' tab.

Good luck, I'm probably one year behind you.
Originally posted by Scott Nutter@Nov 29 2005, 05:06 AM
We would like a reliable race ready kart, not necessarily competitive

First off, the ekartingnews forum is the largest and most active.

Karters have a very different perspective on what is competitive and what is reliable.

Their most reliable is often less reliable than what an IT racer might consider so. Think the difference in between rebuild time between your 12A (reliable by IT standards) and Renault F1 motors (extremely reliable by F1 standards).

The extremes in reliability from a 2-stroke kart motor range from ICA motors to TaG and Stock Cr125 class (if your club has such a class). Further, the age of your boys means that they will have some different engine choices as 12-15 year olds than they do at 16. Some engine choices will allow the use of the same engine from 12 on to 80.

Finding an uncompetitive chassis is the easy part...Find a 2000-2003 chassis make that is supported by a local shop. With equal drivers, motor, tires and setup this 'old' kart will probably be 3-4 tenths a lap slower than the latest and greatest. However, most karters will not give up that 3-4 tenths so kart chassis depreciate VERY quickly. The problem is that many of the shops change chassis brands as often as their underwear. Find out what types of karts your local shops support and how long they have been selling that brand of chassis. You may have one of the few loyal dealers. Many parts are interchangeable...but some use completely different braking systems and motor mounts. They will all use slightly different spindles. Some axles are 40mm, some 50, some 1 1/4". Changing axle sizes requires hubs, bearing carriers, sprocket and rotor hubs...it can get relatively expensive.

Have fun!
Thanks for the info.

Would my kids be running in a 2-stroke (100cc) class or a 5Hp class?

I'll check out the ekartingnews.com

Thanks again

Just hopped over ' Sticky: MUST READ - Letter from New Management ' first impressions....dare I ask my uninformed questions....sure, how else am I to become informed.
I have a couple older karts in my garage hanging on the ceiling, one 5hp engine, some parts. I could make you a deal to get you started.
Talk to me at the meeting tuesday night.
Carl "The Renaultfool"
Scott, search for WKA (World Karting Assoc which is associated with SCCA IIRC), Badger Kart Club (Wisconsin club that has 200 plus racers/12 classes each Sunday) or Kart Club. Been there, done that, ya get sucked in real deep.

Have Fun & enjoy ;)
Carl I sent you an email, I'm interested. I didn't make it to the meeting since I'm currently out of town for work.

Your email keeps comming back. Would you please email me at [email protected]
