Looking for transmission rebuilder


New member
I need a rebuild on my YS1 tranny on my 91 Acura Integra ITA car. Looking for suggestions on the best shops to use. Preferably in the SE if possible.

I had run into a guy at the SIC last year at Roebling Road but don't have his contact info any more. He was a friend (and teammate?) of Tyler Raatz. If anyone knows how I can get in toch with him I'd appreciate it.
try "bonespec" here on it.com. Highly recommended transmission builder, also known as Honda/Acura Trans God.
PM replied to, I sent info on a tranny builder in your area.

Shipping to Cincinnati, OH is cost prohibitive. A shipping box built to my specs costs about $40 in materials, then FedEx is gonna want $80 each way plus the risk of damage.

Also there are rules concerns, I believe carbon syncs may not be approved. If you region doesn't mind then so be it.

I don't visit the forums here much anymore but PM's work great or email me at bonespec at gmail dot com