Looking for


New member
I know this should probably be in the wanted section of the classifieds but I thought it might get a little more exposure here. We are looking for an ITS RX7(2nd gen) for sale within a few hundred miles of Indy. Have checked, emailed, and called all listings both here and in Sportscar. It seems all of the 5k to 10k's have been sold lately.It would be for my nephew to do Drivers School at Waterford Hills at the end of April. I know there are several high dollar front runners available. As much as I'd like to buy one for myself and sell him mine.......ain't gonna happen. Anyone know of any?
I presume that you have also checked the Boards on the WHRRI site as well. Care to clue this WHRRI member into who might be driving a 2nd gen at our drivers school this year?

George H
My nephew. And yes, I did check our Waterford site and spoke with Bruce about what he has available. Bruce will be running one of his and renting another for the whole season so.......Joe, my brother-in-law, owns 2 cars himself, just seems to like to rebuild every winter and then never get them done in time, then spend the rest of the season trying to sort them out. He figures it's easier just to buy another turn key car to get his son through school and his first year.