LRP Survey Online

I had to laugh at Off Road racing being listed under "What would you like to see that we don't have".

They already have off roading in the B Paddock. I guess they've never seen it after its been raining. Maybe they don't consider swamp buggy racing off road?

"Hey dude, could you get my beer cooler. It just floated out of my pick up bed when I was trying to park."

Dave Patten
Dunbarton, NH
I think we should have drifting competitions in the rain at lime rock... I will challenge anyone against myself in the Audi!!!

I love the downhill and the left hander in the rain... I can run the entire turn (both of them) sideways looking through the side windows... Reminds me of Ice racers who have wipers on the side windows
The downhill is especially fun looking directly at the corner workers on the inside and waiving through the windshield!!!

Raymond "the long wheelbase of the Audi rules" Blethen

PS: that is not the fast "rain line" at lime rock, but it sure is the "fun line"