Mail in registration - would this work? Are regions already

gran racing

Super Moderator
Do any regions use a registration system completed via mail? I’m not just talking about signing up for the race itself, but the part that is done at the track. We have often talked about how to speed-up the process and make things easier for everyone involved... I realize that some people enjoy waiting in the lines at the track as part of a social aspect, but I personally would rather socialize down in the paddock.

Some regions already require payment to be made prior to the event. So why wouldn’t this work? Or would is simply create extra work? Of course it would still be necessary to have people available for registration, crew sign-in if not received in the mail and miscellaneous other things on the day of the race.

For those regions that use on-line registration: Register on-line, print all related forms including waiver forms for driver and crew to sign-off on if able to get the crew’s signature(s). If not able to get all crew to sign, they would sign-in on the day of the race. Once this is received, registration would send the package normally given out on race day to the driver including paddock pass and wrist bands. Initially I thought sending the wrist bands would be an issue. But when getting the helmet teched, the person wearing the driver’s wrist band would need to show them their SCCA license. Not a big deal.

To allow more time for registration to complete this process, the deadline to register and pay could be lengthened. I haven’t put a tremendous amount of thought into this possibility, but I’m curious what people’s initial thoughts are and if any region has tried this.

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude
Several regions are testing annual hard cards, but as it now stands, waivers must be signed in front of a registrar or steward. It would take some GCR changes to make this workable.
It makes me all warm inside at the thought of competitors trying to solve long standing problems.

the only issue is that most of this system is in place already. in New England you have the oppertunity to down load all registration info sign,pay and mail. you are not able to sign the insurance waiver until the event begins.

another problem is cost and hassle of mail.
when the old system was in place the region would spend 10k + a year in postage and printing and don't forget that a driver only has to send in one envelope a registrar is responsible for the other 249 people who will attend.

a simple solution would be more people coming forward and volunteering to learn the registration specialty and then giving a couple of hours at the track on a weekend.

another problem is that many entrants can't seem to make up thier minds, they will fill out an entry two weeks before an event then change it all around at the window.

there are many issues that could be worked out with the guidance and help of all the membership. Club Racing Meetings are the third friday of every month all are welcome, they are held at the Best Western in Auburn, MA. the complete list is posted at NER.ORG

Octobers meeting will be focused on recruitment of new volunteers for the 05 season, hope to see some new faces and hear new ideas..

thanx brian M
We (San Francisco Region) have a fax-in feature. We also have an "express" tech line as well. You get your equipment "teched" at the first of the year, and then you get a sticker to put on your helmet. It's also required that the car has an "annual" as well. The express tech line, is for those who:

1. Pre-registered before the entry deadline
2. Annual on saftey equipment
3. Annual on car

All you do is bring your license, logbook, and helmet to registration. Your in / out in less than 5 minutes, and you get your tech sticker on the spot.

It works well for the 10-11 Regionals that we have each year in SFR. It also works for the 2-3 Nationals that we have too.

The only race that isn't covered is our 4 hour Enduro at the end of the year.

Tim Linerud
San Francisco Region SCCA
#95 GP Wabbit

[This message has been edited by racer_tim (edited September 29, 2004).]
You will always need to presnt yourself and your license to someone at the race.

Why? Let's just say that there are far too many instances of people (scoundrels or misguided)trying to race or gain access to the track that are not supposed to be doing so.

We will always need registrars at the track and for everyone to meet in person.

Thank heavens we have them.
I think I herd that waivers only need to be waived once a year...

IMO and Ihave thought about this is that you can self check in for a plane... Why can't we have a similar system for express check in at the track??? I would think we could get something set up that would be well within the SCCA budget.

I wish I had more time to work on this... Sending out an RFP to interested software companies wouldn't hurt and wouldn't cost us anything... anyone good a writing them... If I had a bit more time (maybe over the winter) cause I would work on it.

Anyway if plans can do it I would think we can;

Raymond "back to the car" Blethen
How about a retina scan machine at the gate? That way you don't even have to get out of your tow vehicle on the way in.

Send in all your stuff ahead of time so it's entered in the "system". Pull up to the gate, scan the retina, and the machine dispenses a helmet sticker for the weekend.... yeah, that's the ticket.

I'm more than happy to submit my DNA.

It's all due to liability. The club figures that with a face and a signature it is at less risk. Personally, I believe this is horrible customer/member service. You can buy an airline ticket online, show up at the ticket counter, flash an ID and get on. How much does the Club save on insurance premiums by requiring a live signature?


[This message has been edited by gsbaker (edited September 30, 2004).]
NER has tried to move to "express registration", but some of the speciality chiefs (NOT registration) have been fighting it, "erecting" road blocks at every chance.

I've been the tech chief, I've been the registrar, I've been the driver, and the only thing I can see is people trying to protect their fiefdoms. Maybe next year it will change.

Brian's comments about helping are right on the mark. If you get to the track early the night before the event, helping in registration is always welcome.

Maybe this next year, we can have someone able to help by being the tech person and looking at helmet stickers and log books and handing out tech stickers as well.

p.s. Just be glad we still are not requiring cars to be teched at EVERY event, like we used to.
bg43wex wrote 'a simple solution would be more people coming forward and volunteering to learn the registration specialty and then giving a couple of hours at the track on a weekend.'

Agree, more volunteers would help. But the numbers keep shrinking. Classic kart before the horse - if more people volunteered, the lines (wait time) would be shorter, and more people would have time to volunteer. Then they would stand around and not volunteer again. I have been volunteering since 1966, so I have a lot of time logged in lines.

He also wrote 'another problem is that many entrants can't seem to make up thier minds, they will fill out an entry two weeks before an event then change it all around at the window.'

OK - express line for 'no changes' and then get some public servant (like those who work in the Department of Motor Vehicles) handle the drivers who want to make changes. If standing around for a couple of hours a year doesn't convince them to get it right the first time.... Seriously, I realize that there are times when changes need to be made, but the idea of express and non-express registration is great. How many stores have to-it-yourself checkout today?

racer_tim wrote 'We (San Francisco Region)...'

When can you move to Ohio and help us out!!!! Great work!!!

joeg wrote 'You will always need to presnt yourself and your license to someone at the race.....'

Why? This is ameteur racing, not pro racing. All the pro series use hard cards and people are trying to sneak into those races more than our regionals and nationals.

Wayne wrote 'How about a retina scan ...'

I personally like bar codes tatooed on the forehead. We also had a favorite place we would like the drivers carry their transponders....

I thought someone wrote that the insurance waiver had to be witnessed by a licensed registrar. I worked for professional race series for ten years, and I never had to have my ANNUAL insurance waiver form witnessed by anybody.

Not only are the lines not user friendly, but the track personnel checking the credentials are a joke. Just to see what would happen (but after being properly credentialed) I have flashed at least three different types of badges, picture id's, etc. and gotten in the gate without being stopped. As a flagger in the sixties, I carried around a large assortment of wrist bands on my gear shift lever, and could pick the 'band de jour' if the club had reached its limit of authorized volunteers (imagine having to turn volunteers away!!!) for that event. Going back even farther, I remember getting crew members into races in the trunk of the racecar on a trailer.

The only argument that makes face to face registration seem reasonable is that with 60,000 plus members, it is a real problem to know even a small percentage of them.

No system is foolproof. But I think that Topeka should sit down with the risk management and work out a system that meets most (does not have to be all) of the requirements of both groups. We should be able to assume some risk in order to bolster customer satisfaction.

Bottom line, I would love to see some sort of annual waiver and registration. Let the specialty chiefs check identification, licenses whatever, just like the stewards check the licenses of the chiefs. (Watched a steward ask a chief for his license, and the chief handed him his drivers license, no lie!)
Originally posted by RacerBill:
...We should be able to assume some risk in order to bolster customer satisfaction.

Bottom line, I would love to see some sort of annual waiver and registration. Let the specialty chiefs check identification, licenses whatever, just like the stewards check the licenses of the chiefs. (Watched a steward ask a chief for his license, and the chief handed him his drivers license, no lie!)

Amen, brother. It's not tricky.
