Make your donation the easy way!


New member
No prying open the wallet; no making up excuses. None of this the-check-is-in-the-mail stuff, or "I gave at the office" nonsense.

Do you want to contribute to the funding campaign? Then just buy an ISAAC system, you tightwad. That's right. Buy an ISAAC system and receive what is probably the best head and neck restraint in the solar system, and gets free money! Your favorite Web site keeps rolling and it doesn't cost you a dime! Can it possibly get any better?

Here's the deal: When you buy an ISAAC system between now and the end of March we will donate $100 ($50 for an ISAAC Link model) to If our donations exceed the $700 goal of the current campaign, so be it. Management can just spend the extra money on a new corporate jet.

How do you do it? Easy. Just note in the comments section of the order form that you want to contribute to We don't care if you actually spend your web time on a drag queen site in Romania, just mention and the donation will be made.

Remember, this offer is good for this month only, so now is the time to show your support!

Is this a great country or what? :)
The one working brain cell I have told me to order one this year. Done. It'll make my family happy too! :happy204:
Greggs nuts!
I resemble that remark! :)

Running an ad is boring. If we spend $ this way we get the benefit of drivers having more protection.

Thanks for the orders, guys! Keep those cards and letters coming.