mazda decals

I'm racing a RX-7 and would to get some decals for it.
Can anyone give me a suggestion where I might go to find these.
Would appreciate any help.
Oren Goble
You might also try ebay. I got some nice ones there for pretty reasonable prices.

Marty Doane
ITS RX7 #13
CenDiv WMR
I made mine. I took digital pictures of the Rx7 and MAZDA logos, then I used the Macromedia Flash prgram to trace them. I now have vector graphics images that can be sized out the ying-yang. I then either print these on a printer or if it is large, on a plotter. I then cut out my patterns using an exacto knife, traced them on to some 14" wide vinyl stock (~$3 a foot), and slapped them on the car.

Hey there's not much else to do during these cold winter nights
Try [email protected]

He makes all the vinyl graphics for our bike club, does excellent work and i'm sure he'd be willing to ship.

By the way how's the car working out?

formerly SEDIV IT7#88
PowerTrip Racing
Give me an E-mail, I can make some up for you, what size and what color? I have the eps format for the MAZDA in the computer, can do others also, letters, numbers, etc!

Give you all great deal!!

[email protected]

[This message has been edited by cagedruss (edited January 11, 2004).]
Originally posted by rx7chris:
Try [email protected]

He makes all the vinyl graphics for our bike club, does excellent work and i'm sure he'd be willing to ship.

By the way how's the car working out?

formerly SEDIV IT7#88
PowerTrip Racing

Hey Cheis, good to hear from you. Thot you were gettin out of the car-racin business.
Scott had to go through a learning curve, needed lots of seat time, finally managed that.
Think we're all "GO" for 04.
Scott's dad, Chief of Crew Services, Oren