Memorial Weekend IT Counts at NHIS!

ok... wheres the gossip??? are we worn out of pre race talk??? lol

Looks like Jeff Lawtons predictions of rain or at least a few showers could come true??? This could make things a bit interesting...

In ITB I see 6 of the 11 cars are preped in some way by SRS (Shine Racing Services)... Some are "new" cars. Should make things a bit interesting!!!

I will be running with the # 40 this weekend (I think/hope) in honor of one of our crew members, Randy Schneiderheinze. Many of you know him if not by name would certainly recognize him. He doesn't look a day over 27 -28 but he actually turns 40 Thursday. Hard to imagine he has been with us for over 20 years, and been to about 90% of our races!!! He frequently reads these posts (and yells at me at night for a few of my posts :dead_horse: ). How many people remember us at the races before Randy was with us (I was more of a terror then, trust me :rolleyes: )!!!

Please feel free to :bash_1_: "bash" Randy all you like here and at the track this coming weekend, you can ask his wife Theresa, he deserves it!!! :wacko:

Here's a bit of history. Before Randy joined the Blethen's at the track, the Blethen duo was often seen in the pits building their own tracks for their matchbox cars. I sometimes wonder why they haven't designed a track for the new track committee because some of their boyhood tracks were the best we had ever seen.
As for bashing Randy.... :bash_1_: ...if it SHOULD shower over Memorial Day weekend, be sure to ask Randy if he could crawl UNDER your trailer to tie your car down. He's VERY GOOD at doing that in the rain and from what I understand, the boys don't have him lying in mud puddles quite nearly enough.
Randy, you are never too old to snooze :015: in the puddles in Loudon.... :rolleyes: :happy204:
Happy 40th my "other" son....I'm not through with you yet..... :D