Lesley, I'm not sure I see how your additional comments support your position:
"Besides, we are talking about a bunch of national people, many of whom MIGHT make half of the race, and some of ones who make it half way will pull in anyway."
So, adding the R to the N entry in practice really only adds about 1/2 session - that certainly does not argue in favor of charging even more for a R/N than a R/R tha we already do. If N drivers really don't much care about doing R race, they certainly aren't going to pay a lot more $ for it. We are trying to maximize our revenue so we theoretically price the R/N entry at a level that will achieve that.
Sorry ya'll won't be here for Sat. Tell Andie that the track decided our Hospitality Hut was not good enough (despite the substantial carpentry and painting I did on it last year) so they replaced it w/ a pre-fab metal building that has more room. Frankly, I think ours looked better.