Happy Holidays to all of our friends involved with racing.
Christmas day has become so much more the last 4 years including this year because my grandaughter, her mom & dad spend the day at my home along with other relatives. Last evening I finished decorating the tree that Hannah & I put up a week ago. The big thing for Hannah a week ago on play day was putting up the tree so that we could put down the tracks for Thomas the train. (My Lionel train I received in 19_ _ for Christmass.) She has loved playing with Thomas since her second Christmas. This early am I finished wraping Hannah's gifts. Then I went to the race fab shop to support the finishing touches on the Miata roll cage. It don't get any better than having a beautful 3 1/2 year old grand daughter & be in the process of birthing a new race car.
Have Fun
David [/b]