MIDIV adopts IT7


New member
The MIDIV Board unanimously adopted the proposal to create the IT7 class starting in 2004. It is a regular class, jusst like SM. Thanks to everyone who helped by contacting their RE's, sending me emails or attending the convention, especially Mark.
I invite everyone from other divisions with a 1st Gen ITA/7 to come to a MIDIV event.

Having gone through this in Central Division, to ensure the class success I would suggest:

- Writing an article for the regional magazines explaining what it is, how it will operate, etc.

- Find and contact every individual with an ITA RX7 who has raced in your division during the past few years. Ask for their support in making the class a success by running a couple of events.

- If possible, establish a bulletin board or mailing list for IT7 drivers in your division to aid in communication.

Good luck!

GOOD JOB! everyone. Be sure to personally thank your RE's for their support. This will be fun. Anything I can do to help promote / support this in the comming year please feel free to contact me.

Scott Goble
Springfield, MO
(417) 848-7584
[email protected]
Congratulations on your IT-7 success----looking forward to future Mid-div----Cen-Div---SE-Div interdivisional series???? for IT-7--the ARRC has an IT-7 class but surprisingly has seen limited support for this fall classic----inspite of the IT-7 class being a huge success in SE Div-----maybe the Mid-Div and Cen Div guys will tow south and show the SE div guys what it is all about for the 2004 ARRC.

Lee G. SEDiv IT-7 committee chair

That's the plan here in MiDiv. Seriously, I'm planning on getting in a couple of events next year at RA and doint the ARRC. I have a little work to do on the car this winter. Any set up help appreciated.

Mark Jeffery
ITA #92 '85 RX7
MiDiv - Arkansas Region
Congratulations MWDiv. Now we need to figure out how we can get more IT7 cars to the ARRC.

Rich Miller
CenDiv IT7 Liason
Rich, ya know anyone who has a 4:88 laying around collecting dust?

[email protected]

Have Fun

Originally posted by ddewhurst:
Rich, ya know anyone who has a 4:88 laying around collecting dust?
One for me too, but I need a 2nd gen.

Marty Doane
ITS RX7 #13
CenDiv WMR
Congradulations on your endeavor I can only imagine how difficult it must have beeen, I have had some experiences to know. I would like to know the prceedure to get IT7 in the Northeast region. If you could email me at [email protected] maybe I could get the ball rolling.
Regards, Eric