If it's registered as a 95, and the VIN says it's a 95, the inspector is going to do a safety check and a visual emmisions check. There is, as far as I understand, not a NC law that says that your car can't have a more technically advanced engine management. The law I think really wants you to upgrade the engine management and emissions if for instance you do a swap, If you put a 97 engine into a 92 car you are really supposed to have the 97 brain and emissions gear follow the engine. But they don't know what they are looking at half of the time. If you were to put the 96 OBDII system onto the 95 car NC would probably send you a thank you note. That being said, it seems to me that the OBDI system is preferred by the guy who is supporting the effort. They already figured it out for us!
Bildon wrote:
"Agreed on the hard parts but for the firmware we prefer OBD1.
We've completely disassembled the OBD1 code. "
My only question is if the "specific to road racing" part of the deal will interfere with Kirk's habbit of driving the car to the track?