MMP Driver School


New member
I am trying to get ready for an upcoming SCCA Driving school that is being held at the Memphis Motorsports Park on OCT 16-17.

I have a few questions about the track and was hoping some of you could help me out, so here the questions.

1.) What is the appox size of the course.

2.) Does anyone have a track layout.

3.) Does this track have strict noise regulations ( I am driving a 2nd gen rx7 )so it is LOUD.

4.) Does the track have large run off areas
( novice friendly )

5.) Is the school both SAT and SUN

6.) If anyone has other info that they would like to share it would also HELP.

Michael Flock
I will try to answer you questions except for a track layout. For starters, check out our website: there will be an entry form available in a few weeks, exactly when I really don't know. But the entry form will have a track map on it.
1)1.75 miles with a 7/8 mile front straight. The track utilizes a drag strip as most of its road course and most of the staging lanes as well.

2)See above.

3)Noise restrictions are per GCR at 103db.

4)Large run off areas except at staging lines which are lined with concrete walls.

5)I believe this is just a single school starting with classroom session Friday night. A MidAm Bonus regional on Sunday.

6) Check out the website for other people's email addresses and we will certainly help you as much as possible. More than likely I will be Chief Scrutineer and my wife Chief Registrar for that event but not sure at this point.

Hope this helps,

Michael, e-mail me for more info: [email protected].

The track is a pretty safe one for schools and you can also get comfortable w/ high speeds on the long straight. As Phil said, it is a single school on Sat. w/ Fri. night classroom session. If this is your 2nd school or you have other track experience and can get a waiver, you can race on Sun.
