Momo Start Seat


New member
It looks like the MOMO Start seat is the cheapest FIA approved seat out there. Anyone have any impressions or comments about them?
I have one installed in my NX, and I installed one in my Spec Miata (since sold).

It's a decent seat. It does not have any head protection (if you're into that) and it may be snug for big boys (I'm 6'1" and 190# and it fits fine), but I'm pleased with them.

Louis at LTB Motorsports has the best price around on 'em.

I have the earlier version as well. And for the money, and the rating, it's a good choice. I am 6'3, and currently 195, although I've fit into the seat at ...ahem...higher weights (215), but at 195 it's almost loose, to me at least.

I advise trial fitting any seat you can. It's not just the snugness that counts, it's HOW and where it's snug. You don't want it snug in one area, but loose in another, which could result in injuries during a wreck.
I have on. It is a decent seat for the money. The attraction to me was that I was able to mount it lower that any seat that I looked at. I agree with the above comments about trying out the seat before you buy it, if possible.