More info needed Reg/Enduro weekend Aug 25

Andy Bettencourt

Super Moderator
From the supps:

<div align="left">Saturday, August 25, 2007

<div align="left">8:30am – 20 minute qualifying sessions for race groups 1-8, followed by a lunch break. After lunch - 30 minutes Enduro qualifying (separate entry form and supplemental regulations) followed by 15 laps or 20 minutes qualifying races for group 1-8</div>

<div align="left"></div>
Sunday, August 26, 2007

a lunch break.</span>

15. Qualifying: The first qualifying session will determine the grid position for the Qualifying Race. The finishing position of the Qualifying Race will determine the starting grid for the Regional Race. Competitors who miss either qualifying session will start the next session in the back of the field.[/b][/quote]</div>

More racing. Kudos to NER.
Too bad it is only a 3 hour enduro, almost not worth making a pit stop. I bet many will drive the whole 3 hours rather than share with another driver. I was hoping for 8 hours this year, then there may be some strategy involved.
I too was hoping we could build this into a longer enduro although when we went to 6 from 4 hour last year we had a poor turnout. We argued why (first ever $3 gas) and I was hoping to at least stay at 6 hour but then Nelson scheduled their new 24 hour the same date and that was that.
Andy, by the way in the past when the enduro was on Saturday you said more people would run it for fun if it was on Sunday after the Narrc/Nerrc points race. You got your way. Time to pony up. :D
As this will likely be my debut for the season, and I need all the races I can get at this point in the year, looks like a busy couple of days of driving if I want to do both the regional AND the enduro.. Should be fun. Never driven a race that long. Looking forward to it.

I too was hoping we could build this into a longer enduro although when we went to 6 from 4 hour last year we had a poor turnout.
....Nelson scheduled their new 24 hour the same date and that was that.

What does the Nelson 24hr have to due with shaving 180 minutes off our race and making it a 3hr?

We at Team Jagermeister are disappointed that it isn't a 6hr race. Although the 4hr was a great length, and involved a little bit of strategy, the 6hr would have made us use more strategery, making it even more exciting for us and the other racers.

For those that argued that the 4+ hour race beats up the car too much, I say "It has been moved to Sunday as you argued it should be, so that you can get your Regional Race credit on Sat. first, and then see what your car can really do!!" :023: I remember a number of folks who said they'd do the enduro if it were on Sunday. You got your wish.

We still stand behind making it at least 4hrs in length. If the turnout for the enduro is good, I'd ask that any and all enduro drivers make a plea to add 60 minutes (or at least 30 minutes) to the overall race time. We'd be more that happy to pony up MORE donations toward the worker fund if that makes a difference !!

If we start at 1pm on Sunday as the schedule says, it would end at 5pm, giving a 1hr 20min buffer between the race and the party.

What are the chances. Should I start making snowballs, or is it TOO WARM for that?

Thanks for listening to our $.02

- Team Jagermeister
I agree that 3 hours may not be considered a real enduro.
Nelsons will drawer all the real enduro racers.
This is ment to be a fun event with lots of track time, if you enter and run only 2 hours it's still a great deal.
I suggested we have an "Iron Man" trophy for the highest solo man (or lady) finisher.
NHIS is a tough track to do an enduro. The track is brutal on cars and drivers. Last year multiple factors conspired for low turnout.

1. Non NARRC points race teh following day (a HUGE factor)

2. Sunday weather forecast

3. Gas prices

I do think that more 'sprinters' will enter if they know their car is 'safe' for the NARRC/NERRC race.
I agree that 3 hours may not be considered a real enduro.
Nelsons will drawer all the real enduro racers.
This is ment to be a fun event with lots of track time, if you enter and run only 2 hours it's still a great deal.
I suggested we have an "Iron Man" trophy for the highest solo man (or lady) finisher.

6 hours or less is a sprint race. Yes, it probably would be better if the Nelson race wasn't the same weekend, that kills any entry as the serious enduro teams are out there.

"Iron person" award to the driver who runs the regional AND 3 hour sprint race single handed. :happy204:

It's way to late to argue for making the race longer. :dead_horse:

The workers don't care much as the Sunday party is a no-op. If you want to really do something, then get the IT drivers together to sponsor the Saturday "Participants" party! (It isn't a workers party, it is for EVERYONE.) Make all those Miata geeks look like a bunch of lamers. It's not too late to step up for Cheap Date, either.....

(Note that I have heard that if some single race group does the deed, then they might just get a reward in terms of when their group runs during the day. e.g. their choice....)

Personally, I was hoping for an 8 hour race, as this is the 50th anniversary of the Little Le Mans. (The first was run in 1957 and was an 8 hour race.) But, economics dictates in these times, so the 3 hours format is what we are stuck with. Praise be the almighty buck. :(
I'm not convinced that $3 gas had anything to do w/ turnout.

Even in my gas hog of a car, we spent about $180 in fuel (at $3/gal). Now if prices had stayed where they had been 6 months prior ($2/gal), we would have paid $120. That $60 difference was not going to make or break the decision to run for anyone looking at all the expenses.

If you want to really do something, then get the IT drivers together to sponsor the Saturday "Participants" party! (It isn't a workers party, it is for EVERYONE.) Make all those Miata geeks look like a bunch of lamers. It's not too late to step up for Cheap Date, either.....

(Note that I have heard that if some single race group does the deed, then they might just get a reward in terms of when their group runs during the day. e.g. their choice....)

I'm up for IT sponsoring the party. How much do we have to kick in? (anything to make the Miata geeks look lame!! :D )

Seriously, who is in? I'll kick in $50.
I'm not convinced that $3 gas had anything to do w/ turnout.

Even in my gas hog of a car, we spent about $180 in fuel (at $3/gal). [/b]

I think it is more about the gas to get to the track than the fuel for the event. Many of the enduro teams would have to tow pretty far to get to NHIS.
I'm up for IT sponsoring the party. How much do we have to kick in? (anything to make the Miata geeks look lame!! :D )

Seriously, who is in? I'll kick in $50. [/b]

Easy!!! I swim in both oceans!!!

We could do an ITA party!!!
I want to participate in the NHIS Regional race - Aug 25. The supps are a little confusing (or maybe its just me). Can some one clarify, it reads: we qualify on sat morning, then we have a qualifing race(??) sat afternoon, then regional race sunday. Can some one enlighten as to when the Reg race qualifies and races. Thanks Russ, I want to be there for once this year.
15. Qualifying: The first qualifying session will determine
the grid position for the Qualifying Race. The finishing
position of the Qualifying Race will determine the starting
grid for the Regional Race. Competitors who miss either
qualifying session will start the next session in the back of
the field.[/b]
7. Qualifying: The starting positions will be
determined by the fastest timed lap in the Saturday
qualifying session as specified in the GCR. Any
driver who is entered in the Enduro may drive during
the qualifying session. Any driver may start the race
and need not be the same driver who qualifies the
So the Regional Races are qualified by the Qualifying Races, which are qualified (along with the Enduro) by the first sessions on Saturday. It's not quite a Double Regional; more like a 1.5 Regional...
or the short answer. qualify saturday morning, qualfiying race saturday afternoon, points race sunday morning. if not running the enduro home by dark.
OK, so NO ONE else is willing to help sponsor the Saturday night party??? <_<

Any guess as to how much is needed??

I will start to publicly humiliate people if no one steps up...... :bash_1_:
OK, so NO ONE else is willing to help sponsor the Saturday night party??? <_<
Any guess as to how much is needed??
I will start to publicly humiliate people if no one steps up...... :bash_1_:
Jeff - CPM Motorsports will "pony up" for the party. We are looking into new ecu and fuel management systems so money is limited :rolleyes: but I am sure we can kick a Grant or a Benjamin :D
Dave,Any guess as to how much is needed??[/b]
Well, a crock pot of chili might make a better donation that any $$$.
  • Which IT driver has the hottest stuff?
  • Will it affect your performance during the Enduro?
  • Which IT driver can take the heat and survive?
  • Are the IT drivers hotter than those wimp SM drivers?
  • Which IT group had the competition covered?
    • ITS vs. ITA challenge?
    • IT vs. SM Challenge?
    • IT takes on the WORLD CHALLENGE?
Save your money to buy lots of Taste Tickets and stuff your ballot box, feed the crew, etc. Oh, and stuff the ballot box.

If you do want to try and do this, let Marianne know, please.

Think outside the box, and as the other half said, it all goes to RAL.