going, going, ....

I was talking with Klaus recently (5thElement). He said that Kelly had sold the site and the new owner doesn't do anything with it. Klaus was told to "leve it alone". Now, it just kind of comes and goes and there's no one to maintain it.

Sad, really. It was/is a great concept. I still use it, but mainly because it's free. :D


George Bugg
Huntsville, AL
It is back! I could not get to it for a while (mysterious SQL errors.)

Think I will start looking for a website sponsor and migrate to a more stable environment.
Me too. It's down more than it's up these days. And there's no one to ask about it.

May just be my imagination, but it seems to be more available in the afternoon. They are (or at least were...) on the Left Coast. So maybe it takes a while for them to wake up and push the reset button. ;-)