mounting tool chests in trailers?


New member
i have the typical Sears homeowers (non PRO) tool chest with base and two sets of drawers. i have had the base in the trailer for quite a while and am adding the drawers.

i have the base mounted to the wall with just a couple of ~ 1/4" by 1" self tapping screws like the ones used to install the E-track for the tire rack.

i plan to attach the two sets of drawers to the base and add a couple of more of the self tapping screws to the top but am a bit afraid that with more weight higher up, ther might be more force on the thing when stopping, etc.

any thing else i should be considering?

any thing that has worked well or not worked well?


I have several toolboxes in my trailer that I roll out at home; I have etrack on the wall behind them and just strap them in place to the etrack with ratcheting straps. They've never moved during travel. You may need to set the etrack to the proper height so you grab the base cabinet as high as possible.
Tom, I'm trying to envision what boxes you're securing and to what. Keep in mind that the vast majority of the load is vertical, and unless/until you get into an accident towing, all straps/screws/whatever have to do it resist the "tilt" of the cg. As such, almost anything will work.

But, as you're thinking this through, remember that (small) chance of a vehicle accident and what might happen if that stuff breaks loose.

I ran quite a few screws through the bottom into the floor and I believe a couple into the back wall too. I don't think it will hold up in any "real" accident, but I always envisioned bigger issues.

You still have the casters for those boxes? I'll pay. :) I gave mine up which was stupid, and as of Thurs I will have a garage and would like to move the boxes in and out as needed.
the tool chests are the typical father's day specials in red and without the ball bearing drawers sort of like this BUT IN RED!

mine has the center section that is about the same height as the top shown here. i pulled the bottom casters off and will look for them. i will be at Mid-Ohio for the IT fest so could bring them if i can find them.................

i have thought about nailing down to the floor but am not a fan of that. i should get over that since i meant to add a couple of D-rings for the car anyways.....

and there are likely far worst things that will happen inside the trailer if i am in a major accident than having this move about.

i am using it mostly for organizing spares, etc. more so than tools that are taken in and out of the trailer. this chest is narrow enough that if i crowd the car to one side, i can back up beside it.

You might like what Jeremy and I did in our enclosed. Should get some photos - hard to describe - but we designed and fabbed a hinged countertop across the whole front of the trailer. We have three of those bases sitting across, and as the countertop comes down it captures the top of all three. We secure it down with latches and the bases are all secured for transit. - GA
You might like what Jeremy and I did in our enclosed. Should get some photos - hard to describe - but we designed and fabbed a hinged countertop across the whole front of the trailer. We have three of those bases sitting across, and as the countertop comes down it captures the top of all three. We secure it down with latches and the bases are all secured for transit. - GA

Yeah it's pretty super geek.. and that's coming from the enginerd!!
I, too, suggest going the strap route to E-track. I have 4 Sears intermediate chests with a top opening box on top in my trailer. I have these strapped using ratch-type strapping during towing.

The only problem is that you have to remember to restrap them after a race weekend. I didn't and the top two boxes came down, sending sockets everywhere, and damaging both boxes. I would not be comfortable with the anchoring system you are proposing as the boxes stack up.

My .02.

Bill Umstead