Move ITB to group 2 for NJMP event?


New member
At this moment the car counts for the Thunderbolt race are:

Group 2: 10
Group 7: 27

There are 9 ITB cars entered for group 7. The MARRS drivers seem to be in favor of asking for a move from group 7 (ITS/ITR) into group 2 (ITA/ITC/those rotary things).

That would make the two groups about the same size and B seems a better fit for ITA than ITR/ITS

What do the ITB drivers from up north think?

At this moment the car counts for the Thunderbolt race are:

Group 2: 10
Group 7: 27

There are 9 ITB cars entered for group 7. The MARRS drivers seem to be in favor of asking for a move from group 7 (ITS/ITR) into group 2 (ITA/ITC/those rotary things).

That would make the two groups about the same size and B seems a better fit for ITA than ITR/ITS

What do the ITB drivers from up north think?

We understand the situation and will definitely look into this request.

See ya at the races .... in New Jersey

At this moment the car counts for the Thunderbolt race are:

Group 2: 10
Group 7: 27

There are 9 ITB cars entered for group 7. The MARRS drivers seem to be in favor of asking for a move from group 7 (ITS/ITR) into group 2 (ITA/ITC/those rotary things).

That would make the two groups about the same size and B seems a better fit for ITA than ITR/ITS

What do the ITB drivers from up north think?

I'm not an ITB driver, but the prevailing sentiment is, I think, that B races well with S, as there is less mingling between the classes, and the fast B guys would definitely be in the mid A guys race if they were in the same group.
I'm not an ITB driver, but the prevailing sentiment is, I think, that B races well with S, as there is less mingling between the classes, and the fast B guys would definitely be in the mid A guys race if they were in the same group.

Just the messenger. I'm not even going to be at NJMP this weekend. 6 MARRS ITB cars entered - 3 drivers asked for the move and the other 3 haven't weighed in yet.
If I was racing and I had a vote... I would COMBINE the groups and race double the length or COMBINE the groups and add in a long hardship/practice in the AM.

IMHO all IT cars can run together, have a good time, and then get a lot more track time for the same money.

I'm one of the MARRS ITB drivers that hasn't chimed in; so I will. I don't care what group I run with but I will support the move since other drivers have requested it. (and I like the earlier run group)
Hmmm....I was running at the pointier end of the ITB stick in the earlier 2000s and we ran with ITS in the MARRS races. I don't recall any problems. Suddenly it can't be done because of....? Now I'm running at the less sharp end of the ITS group - still faster than ITB times - and we need to be segregated and/or have split starts. C'MON guys.
Agreed, and you guys should give me a good talking to.:D

Seriously, these issues should be addressed at a group meeting. If inconsistant or slower drivers are messing up other in-class races they need to be made aware in no uncertain terms. Whether IT-S cars are coming through slower IT-B cars or the reverse, we all need to be reminded that it's a multi-class field and you give way to a race that's taking place. While the opinions and views on this board are important, not everyone reads it. If the whole group doesn't sit down for 15 - 20 minutes at a race to air their differences of perception, it can't get better.
If the drivers reps want to do that at Millville, I'm in. If they would like me to facilitate, I'd be happy to. Same at Summit.
I raced in the TeamDI Pro-IT race in NJ and didn't have any problems. I actually really enjoy racing as a group of all IT racers. not sure why the combined format isn't liked more but I enjoy racing and would rather race longer with more people than less with less drivers.

just my .02

Anyone coming back for the Pro-IT race in a few weeks? I would love to race, learn and try to stay up with all 6 of the ITB drivers. :eclipsee_steering: It will be my first time at the track!
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