My 2 seconds of fame


New member
Don't know how many of you caught it, but on yesterdays episode of HorsepowerTV, they showed a clip of me in the red Rabbit GTI bicycling through the bus stop at Nashville Super Speedway during the qualifier for the enduro :eclipsee_steering:!

They also showed clips of a couple of other racers, including Hester in the Mustang, and another red Rabbit GTI (with the flag pattern decals) that is for sale right now.

I'll post a link when I get it...

I hope to see HorspowerTV providing more coverage of Club Racing, a little exposure would be good for growing the ranks.
Congrats Eddie! Good to know that something is going on in the media.

How do you get Horsepower TV, is it part of Speed Channel?
As long as you are not on the wreck footage we are all good.
Glad a IT guy made the cut.
I have it on the DVR, but have not watched it as of yet.
I will do my best. Wife will have to give up the remote for one night, and she is 7 months pregnant.
I will let you know the out come.