my house is famous....

matt batson

New member's my rental property anyways....
In the legend of ricky bobby movie a lot of the film was made in gastonia, just outside charlotte NC.
In the scene where he is bouncing side to side against cars on a street and then drives up a lawn and crashes into a house...well my rental house is the one next door.

In the stunt they actually drove across my lawn. In return they did some landscaping and put up a decorative fence around the front yard.

The house is for sale by the way, as I have recently relocated to asheville area.

I anyone wants a piece of history with one of the finest racing films ever made :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure he will be getting an emmy for this film :rolleyes:
I considered raising the price... :rolleyes:
No, seriously, it is a Will Ferrel movie after all :P

But, the house will come with a free DVD copy of the movie :D
Have you got it advertised in Autoweek?

I remember a house for sale advertised there some years ago. Perfect for car nuts - came with a 13 car garage!
Well, all it has is a little carport <_<

Me thinks advertising it in a movie buff's website or something would be better. I actually havent seen it yet, even though it seems to be doing well in the box office...
I figured since I was going to buy it on DVD anyways, why bother...

The trailers look kinda funny though...

The italian guy who is his arch nemisis in the movie...I wonder if that is a take off of Max Papis getting into Nascar? :lol:
"Cars" was a great movie....

I already got the NASCAR's hard to miss every week. Not sure if I need to spend more money to "get it" more. Laughing at NASCAR and it's fans is old news..there are funnier things out there.

Now, if "Top Gear" would do feature length things like their "Amphibious build", I'd be lined up early!