Yeah, f u.Based on the questions, they're considering making it a subscription model only.
answer to q7: If your web site were as easy to search as the previous one, i would be very satisfied with the current.
Yeah, f u.
Looks like my couple of existing ones just jumped in value. And it's WELL past time for a value-priced open-source solution.
Holy hell these companies catering to racers just think we're an endless fountain of money...
How can that possibly be enforced? Will it still register a hit across the line? If not, why not?The new TRANSPONDER will be cheaper. But it'll cost you $75/year to use it.
Never got a survey.go read the survey information- answers all your questions.
Never got a survey.
Time for a change. With them now trying to get $75/person/year - for every org that uses AMB transponders - there will be a wave of capital available for anyone willing to purse a more open-source model. If I had the electronics and coding background I'd be burning up my Internet connection setting up a Kickstarter account.
Someone will. You can count on it.
Is it compatible with all the existing systems?
subscription models change a large one time cost for what you hope is a more palatable ongoing cost. Amateur racers are not stupid - you can't be stupid, nor lazy, and have the funds needed to play in this sandbox. your company is already the focus of much anger among the SCCA, NASA, etc... communities. your pricing has always been at issue and your recent website "upgrade" was not the PR you wanted. this move will end your monopoly and I suggest you reconsider your intended position.