NARRC car Counts!


New member
Well I think it is the best race! I would love to see a ton of ITB/ ITS people show up to give us our own run groups :) after all it is a whopping $300 YIKES. But come anyway it will be fun!

I did call LRP and you CAN LEAVE YOUR RIG Tuesday after testing to Thursday but you can't get back in until Thursday night. Also no security. And if it goes bad at the test day and you want a short trip for more testing I think NHIS had testing on Thursday in the day.

Anyway Read the entry list below...

PS: so far I am beating Tim and Raymond! Who will be next... Even though I am going to try hard to beat you both on track I'll take anything I can get!
Looks to me that Stephen won the overall who can register first for the NARRC contest. Being how there are only 4 registered as of right now with Stephen being the first. Hmmmm. AND only ITB drivers registering thus far.
See y'all there. And boys? Play nice unless you want to be featured in Pit Talk's "Spin of the Month" :035:
The site was off line for a couple of days. It appears that they restored a previous backup that was a few days old and did not contain the latest information. An explanation from the site webmaster or the NYSCCA registrar would be greatly appreciated.
Well the NESCCA site was down for a day or so for some reason - and notice anyone who registered after 10/4 is not there. They will have your check in the mail per the requirements anyway...for those who aren't on the list, try and resubmit...see what happens...
I dropped Susan Lapham (NYR registrar) an email and below is her reply.

"In most cases I have the entry. I was given the event info on Sunday evening (before the crash).
At that time I had most if not all the entries.
I will not be accessing the site at this point. The event is officially closed to online entries.
Please let everyone know.
I can only hope we have not lost anyone!

I hope this helps.
Group 1 is up to about 45 cars.

I think the max they can run at LRP is 38 in a group, or they need to call Topeka for special permission. I think one year we ran 42 or 43 in the Bush support race.....but 45 seems pretty high.
Group 1 is up to about 45 cars.

I think the max they can run at LRP is 38 in a group, or they need to call Topeka for special permission. I think one year we ran 42 or 43 in the Bush support race.....but 45 seems pretty high. [/b]

I wrote an e-mail to the CS and asked him to pull EP and FP out. That would leave us with 34-35 cars...and if they went to G2 - they would have 33-34 or if they went to G5 - they would have 33-34 too.

G2 EP-FP would be at the front (SSM and ITC) and in G5 they would be at the rear (Big bore, T1 and T2...) but both are doable. I just think this makes sense in an effort to have the best racing for all classes in all run groups.

I I just think this makes sense in an effort to have the best racing for all classes in all run groups.


Amen brother!

Still not happy about the rain though.... :mad1: Those GD Blethens and their rain dances!!!
I managed to get to Limerock for the test day and spent a lot of time testing different shocks, springs and set up. It rained all day so the conditions were much the same all day long. We softened the the car up with both spring and shock rate. no front bar and no rear bar . The ride hight was about an inch higher than normal. Hossier rain tires at 35psi cold. As a base line I ran the first session with the my stiff set up (ground control shocks) high spring rate with no front or rear bar and rain tires. As was expected the car was very difficult to drive fast and when it got loose was almost impossible to save. Under braking the front wheels would lock even with full rear brake bias. Under power rear wheels would spin if to much throttle was applied . Overall the car was evil to say the least. Next went to koni single adjustable shocks front and rear full soft on both ends . Spring rate aprox 50% of the stiff set. Conditions for the second test run were much the same as the first. This time the car behaved much the same as before except that the car was much easier to drive and control . The feedback to the driver was much slower and allowed more time for the slow thinking driver to react. Wheel spin was easier to control as was brake lock up . The lap times droped 3 seconds a lap. The best observation was this- the set up did not change the way the car behaved that much it change how slowly it reacted. In the last session of the day I had the whole track to my self and was able to to slide the car around and feel the limits . The car felt safe and was fun to drive . The lap time droped more and more as the conditions worsened. I also tried many different racing lines and braking points and what I learned the most was that the largest gains in lap times was not from the set up as much as were on the race track you put the car. In some areas I found almost as much traction in the wet as in the dry, in other areas it was like driving on ice . To conclude finding traction at Limerock is more about the race track surface than the car or set up. So if you can soften the suspension as much as possible and let the force be with you. Mazda rx7 . ps sorry about the spelling and gramer mistakes. I have trouble talking let alone writing.
Just for qualifying...race looks good, no?

As I've said in other posts, i finally broke down and bought new tires. I really wanted to see what I could do with them. Going into the race having no idea how the car is going to handle doesn't excite me. The two seesions tomorrow were going to be very important in figuring out how to drive the car!!

I have always done much better in the rain, so hopefully I won't be in the back of the grid!! GO FWD!!!