NARRC Checks


New member
Who has recieved or not recieved there checks and who would be the one to contact to get it?

Still patiently waiting (well sorta).:shrug:
I believe Ben is referring to his "most cars crashed or damaged" in a single season trophy (this includes street cars that would have been race cars)......:)
Yeah - I don't think the check would pay for the trophy - or the stamp

I almost bought that ITA Saturn, Jeff. Just too many cars.
Narrc yes, Nerrc no

NARRC check showed up about a month ago, but still no NERRC trophy...anyone get their's yet? I was told mid-March by Serge.
I got my NARRC check this weekend. Thanks Kristine.

My mailman probably lost it, he doesn't seem very bright. :shrug:
I wonder what he says about you:happy204:


THIS is why i race!! To see/give/receive abuse like this!!!!

Got my NERRC trophy this weekend. Very nice checkered flags. Great idea, I like it more than a trophy (for those of use who don't have a trailer full of checkered flags!!)

Thanks Serge!!!