NARRC Contingency / Sponsorship...revisited

Andy Bettencourt

Super Moderator
OK, we talked about elevating the prestige of the NARRC runoffs. Here is the thread:

I think it's time to get our collective 'sponsorship' or contingency ducks in a row. It would be nice to have an article in Pit Talk as well as maybe SportsCar relaying the info.

From the thread:

Serra was in for Honda/Acura
Flatout was in for SM and ITS
Blaney was in for Honda's

Let's move fast. I would like to have something to publish by July 1. How about anyone else? I can be contacted at:

andybettencourt AT hotmail DOT com



Let's DO IT!


Andy Bettencourt
New England Region, R188967
I'm with you Andy.

Greg, you've had great success in getting articles published in Grassroots Motorsports. Can you work your magic with some NARRC coverage?

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude si
I'm still in, parts and services for ITA/ITS top three finishers 1st $1000.00, 2nd $500.00,
3rd $250.00 , most be ACURA's and top three have to have an ARRC style teardown.Cars most
wear company windshield visors, and side stickers supplied by us. Let me know if I can

Anthony Serra ITA 99
Has the NY region been contacted to see how this event can be elevated? I'm assuming there are not any corporate sponsors right now...

Know of anyone else that might be willing to do something for the ITC and ITB fields?

Hmmm, Crystal Rock and Mohegan Sun... Andy, do you have any involvement with the NY region? If the region were o.k. with it, I wouldn't mind trying to sell them on the idea to do something for the event.

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude si

Nothing really. I do think we need to walk before we run. If we have a host of 'local' sponsors (Flatout, Mechanic Shop North, SBS, etc...) in 2005 - along with the associated press releases to PitTalk, Sports car, etc. - THEN we would be on a nice foundation to go out and look for a title sponsor. We would be able to provide a 'portfolio' of sorts.

Then, hopefully, other local companies might sign on (3D Auto, CTECH, Autotechnic, Shine, BB Racing, WHO KNOWS?)

BUT - if someone thinks they can make the big name come on board, rock and roll with it!!!

I will take the lead on coordinating the 'local' guys and getting it in PitTalk.

Deadline: JUNE 25th. We can get it in the JULY issue this way. If you know someone who may want to participate, have them call me.



Andy Bettencourt
New England Region, R188967
Where is Mr. Isaac, LLC (Gregg Baker, P.E.). He is generally a supporter of us IT guys!!!

Also RST Performance Racing might be able to put in something for ITB... Maybe cash or lettering or something of the sort... I will need to talk to Stephen and see what we can afford

To do this though, I also would want a top 3 teardown similar to the ARRC, and this I think might be hard to accomplish. You may want to start talking to the organizers of the event, as I am sure that they will not do this unless the competitors file protests.

In addition or instead of a top 3 teardown I would be satisfied with a accurate compression ratio test.

Raymond Blethen
RST Performance Racing will jump on board too with some bucks toward purchase of Hoosiers or Toyos.......ITS & ITA....1st place 40 PTS bucks, 2nd place 20 PTS bucks, 3rd place 10 PTS bucks. Must run 2 decals, one on each side of the car.....decals would be approx 24" x 4".....bucks would expire Mar 2006
Originally posted by RSTPerformance:
Where is Mr. Isaac, LLC (Gregg Baker, P.E.). He is generally a supporter of us IT guys!!!...

Raymond Blethen
RST Performance Racing

Yeah Raymond, we love working with you IT guys. Especially those too cheap to buy a decent head and neck restraint!

How about a 2-for-1 deal, so you and your bro can keep your noggins?

(How's that for cheerleading?)

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC

You should take the lead on coordinating the ARRC-style teardown. While I would LOVE to see it, it seems like something we would need to really get straight ahead of time. Since I have never been to the ARRC, I am not in the know on what resources are needed, etc. It would seem that they would be SIGNIFICANT.

You are now the man!


Andy Bettencourt
New England Region, R188967
Some comments:

I love the idea of Anthony's, but there are issues.

Regarding the teardown, the ARRC procedure requires YOU to tear your car down, at their prescribed location, under their obsevation. Then they make their measurements, and pronounce you good to go, or out of the race.

If Anthony is the guy posting the awards, and requiring the teardown, it seems to me he can set up the teardown in anyway he desires. He could, if he wanted, have the candidates do the work at the Mechanic Shop Norths new trailer, with the aid/observation of his crew, with measurements by the same. I'm not sure the SCCA stewards need to be involved in any way.

If you decide you don't want the teardown, I would imagine you can opt out and forgoe the $1000...

I like the idea....

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
I'm all for tear downs!! I would be willing to kick in some extra bucks (even though I have LITTLE chance of winning) whether it be to help pay for tear downs or prize money. Of course it would be for ITB only........

Jeff L
#74 ITB GTi
Originally posted by JLawton:
I'm all for tear downs!! I would be willing to kick in some extra bucks (even though I have LITTLE chance of winning) whether it be to help pay for tear downs or prize money. Of course it would be for ITB only........


That is where we come in! I think we are pretty firm on the "Hard Charger" concept for all 4 IT classes. This will open up the chance to win some cash to a lot of drivers.


Andy Bettencourt
New England Region, R188967
I really like the tear down idea in theory. It adds credibility to the event and hopefully would clean up some of the BS that goes on. This is needed to make the event really meaningful. I was talking with Dick and a few others this weekend about the ARRC teardown, how it works, and the fact you need to have some mechanical knowledge of how to do various things. Many of these things I have no idea how to do. I’m sure people could figure out how to take these items off, but putting it back on? I wonder what that extra bolt was for. I know it isn’t just me. For the ARRC the person could just put the items in the trunk and worry about it during the off-season. The NARRC timing is much different for those who want to go to the ARRC. I wouldn’t want to go through a tear down that I’d have to perform myself at the NARRC. If I were in ITA with Anthony’s contingency, sure, just ask them to help put it back together and deduct some money from the prize funds.

Now a protest would be a different story. While it would never be fun to be on either side of a protest, at least the work would be covered (assuming the person is legal of course). Ray’s idea of doing a basic compression test would be cool although people have often told me it isn’t always as straight forward to get a true reading as some say it is. I’m sure there are other fairly simple things that could be looked at as well. Or possibly have a protest fund set aside to cover the expenses of putting the stuff back together if found legal and a reputable shop (Anthony or Tom?) ready to do it quickly for those wanting to go to the ARRC. That would also generate some extra income for that business assuming the racer chooses to use them. Of course they should be given the choice of doing it themselves too.

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude si
I like the compression test. One of the problems with LRP and tear downs of any magnitude is that we need to leave the track Saturday night. At the ARRC they do the tear downs on Saturday night so that they can be done to the wee hours of the night. This is not possible at LRP without paying more (yes more) for the track staff.

Would a compression test be able to be done without affecting the performance? Could it be done on Friday after the cars come off from qualifying? The only issue with that is that the motors can’t be run after ??? so there may be some people pushing cars around the paddock.

VW Scirocco
After talking with Jason I think that teardowns will be an issue at Lime Rock as we have a time limit to be "out of the track" on Saturday evening.

Maybe the whole package needs to be set up, rent the track till Sunday morning and have the NARRC awards banquette Saturday evening in one of the chalets??? Sounds like fun to me
, but from what I have been told plans are made well in advance and moving the awards banquette probably would be impossible.

As far as me setting up the teardowns, I think that we need to contact the region running the event and see what their thoughts are before we go too far. I would love to set it all up, but I am honest in saying that I probably don't have much time to make it all happen. Anyone else want to jump in and volunteer their time to setting up some sort of teardown?

Raymond “to many racing commitments, and I haven’t even raced yet” Blethen

Gregg- Dam I put you on the spot and now you put me on the spot!!! LOL We will talk...
IIRC, Gregg was a high school wrestling champ, so there you go.

I have no doubts that the NYR (they ARE the hosting region, right?) will have their collective eyes bug out when somebody tells them that they need to manage the teardowns of 6 potential cars. I doubt they have the space, available manpower, nor the interest.

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
To Bad We can`t trust each other.
I spend money to be legal. But some feel they are above the trust code. Maybe my something are other is not right but it has nothing to do with performance. I do beleive we have to police out the CHEATERS and they know who they are. 1 second faster that the fastest legal guy you know who you are. Let`s be real Men and Women and race legal.
The problem of a prize thing is in ITA there really is only 5 drivers who have a chance to finish 1st 2nd 3rd. rest of use are hoping for a blown head or spin to get to a pay off. Or is it just the thought of maybe just maybe. I drive like I had no fear and the perfict game. Oh Yea Coodooes to RAYMON for his 1st LRP win.
Hope to see you soon.
Scott NER ITA 09 CRXsi
Originally posted by gran racing:
The NARRC timing is much different for those who want to go to the ARRC. I wouldn’t want to go through a tear down that I’d have to perform myself at the NARRC.

The NARRC is oversubscribed anyway. (we had over 50 cars on track at once in my group last year) I think the people that are planning on attneding the ARRC in most situations can get there car reassembled in the 2 weeks before the ARRC. If they can't then the few loss in entries would still make the event on a whole much better.

I think renting the track until the AM is a great idea and then hold the NArrc awards banquit that night or even teh next day in beutifull CT. sounds great! A nice banquit on top of the hill.... I see a great new tradition starting!! and it would probably increase attendance at the awards banquit and lower costs since hotels, banquit facilities ect are probably very expensive when they hold the banquit in the winter.

I guess the other way I should look at it is if the NARRC gets big enough, I probably won't care if I miss the ARRC.

Another possibility would be to talk to the track about using the field near registration. Not as nice as the hill but might be an easier sell at least initially?

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude si