NARRC Numbers

I got mine, and a nice note from Kristen. Thanks for the hard work, Kristen! Did Jeremy get his #?

Jim, perhaps you whipped up on ole jeff in the rain once? That's my best guess...
Jermey - she should give you #45 ! And since Kristen isn't doing this next year you guys get to train another number perosn. Rumor has it - Andy Bettencourt has volunteered to do this. That should be interesting. Maybe having a driver do numbers will make this easier.

let the jokes begin....
Joe, you're up!

So, I looked up "Bettencourt" in the dictionary, and found this:
One who courts divorce constantly by making bets with himself on how many outside activities his wife will tolerate. Like a drug, he keeps upping the activity dosage until the inevitable occurs"

I don't know how you do it Andy.