NARRC schedule


New member
After having read the supps and schedule info for the NARRC's, it looks like on Friday that there is no morning practice, just straight into qualifying. Seeing that ITB is near the end of the run groups, I am trying to determine whether to head out to LRP on Thursday night or Friday morning, but I really want to make sure that I'm there for the Friday morning practice - IF there is one! If I recall, there has normally been a Friday morning practice with qualifying in the afternoon. Or, it could just be the CRS disease continuing it's brain creep.

Anybody out there that is "in the know" that can shed some light on the schedule??


Tim M
It is not all that clear from the registration materials whether there will be 2 separate qualifying sessions for each run group on Friday. In the past, there have been two separate runs, usually calling the morning session a practice/qualifying, and the afternoon qualifying ,but taking the best time of either session.