NARRC Series feedback for 2009

Andy Bettencourt

Super Moderator
Wanted to get a jump on the collection of feedback from IT drivers on the 2008 season and suggestions for 2009. The NARRC committee and the Regional executives know that they need to put on a good show so help them do the best they can for you.

Events: When, where, how many, what design?
Trophies/Payout: How deap? Money? Etc.
Run Groups: What would YOU do?

Any issues you have, please write them down and send them to me for compilation to the team. I will try and get this type of notificiation/request in all the Regional publications that comprise the NARRC series.

andy AT flatout-motorsports DOT com.

--> Props to Dave Z for kicking me in the ass to get this going before it's too late.
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I would love to see events at NJMP under the NARRC series + its the perfect venue to have a NARRC MARRS series showdown.

Could become a classic event
I would love to see events at NJMP under the NARRC series + its the perfect venue to have a NARRC MARRS series showdown.

Could become a classic event

I think that's a great idea!

Here are some of my thoughts.......

1) All NARRC races should be at NHMS……

2) More points for second place

3) Put SERs back in ITS

Just kidding………. Kind of……….

- I would like to see some kick a$$ year end trophies. No mugs or plaques, but some 6' monsters or crystal bowls or big silver platters
- Try to spread the NARRC races out a little. Those back to back to back races suck! Maybe switch the May NHMS race with the NERRC race in Sept?
- This may be a duplication of the Pro series and may be hard to administer, but how about payouts at each of the races?
- I think having bonus points for NARRC races at other tracks is a great way to get more attendance at those tracks.
- Put ITC in with B/S group or with A, not SM/SSM.
- Bonus points for qualifying or for the pole. Yes, this is self serving since I can’t race to save my life!!

You do realize Andy, that when the new format comes out in the winter/spring, everyone will deny having any opportunity to give feed back!! :rolleyes:
>>> Props to Andy B for undertaking this headache again.

  • Make sure that all NARRC races are separated by at least two weeks if at all possible.
  • Get a MARRS/NARRC showdown at NJMP or WGI or Pocono; even if it is an ‘after the season’ event such as the ‘Last Chance’ weekend. This does not need to be a points race for either/both groups. Pure ego and bragging rights will do. But if it is post-season for both groups, then it could be the first of next season’s points.
  • Realize that the economy may keep the number of entries down next year and plan accordingly. Fewer races that are doubles may be a better deal for all.
  • Isn’t it about time we actually got the NARRC Race Winner stickers made?
  • There are too many NARRC classes. 2008 has 34 champions including some who only had 1 other person to compete with at one race. Keep a 1000 point minimum for any award and to be a champion, make it at least three other starters in three races.
  • The awards this year are jackets and trophies. Nice, but they are not proportionate to whether the class had three people in it or thirty-three. Fix this. When the awards were purely cash plus a trophy it was more proportionate. We don’t know what to do with the marketing money as it is. Make the split $2 admin and $4 awards. Keep the trophies down and make the $ more meaningful. For the smaller classes make the minimum $50 for first. After that make it proportionate to how many entries there were over the year to the nearest $25. Award $ only to the champion.
  • The points system is better this year. Leave the basic points alone. Leave the bonus for 5 races alone. Get rid of the ‘three tracks’ bonus or reduce it to 100 points. 500 points is too much of a bonus.
Isn’t it about time we actually got the NARRC Race Winner stickers made?
  • The awards this year are jackets and trophies. Nice, but they are not proportionate to whether the class had three people in it or thirty-three. Fix this. When the awards were purely cash plus a trophy it was more proportionate. We don’t know what to do with the marketing money as it is. Make the split $2 admin and $4 awards. Keep the trophies down and make the $ more meaningful. For the smaller classes make the minimum $50 for first. After that make it proportionate to how many entries there were over the year to the nearest $25. Award $ only to the champion.

I have to agree with Dave on this one being I will be the recipiant of one of these jackets. Good idea yes , but it should be proportionate to the class. I believe ITA had some where north of 200 entrants this year. You really should recieve more of a reward than a class that had 20 entrants for the whole year. So basically what is happening is you are taking money from Peter (ITA) to pay Paul (undersubscribed class).

Oh yeah and NARRC winner stickers would be nice. It's been how many years since they have been printed?
As an observer to the NARRC points chase for the last couple of years, there's one downside that I've noticed to the series: it SIGNIFICANTLY affects which events get attended. Couple that to - IMO - *far* too many events in the immediate area, and you have significant chances for failure of events that are not NARRC-blessed.

The best way to handle this is for regions to get together, work together, and try not develop a schedule that doesn't require them to compete with each other for the same customers. Given this ain't gonna happen, probably the next best thing is to equalize them in terms of NARRC points, by making them ALL NARRC-sanctioned, but adjusting the "drops" so the same number of events count.

This would do two primary things: one, it would increase the number of people that would be eligible for points, as I'm guessing NO ONE can possibly run ALL events; and two, it would likely result in one hell of a points battle at the season-ending NARRCoffs. In addition, it would increase participation late in the season of non-NARRC events.

All Regional events run in the Northeast Division should be NARRC eligible. Yeah, it's a lot of events, but since you only count your best X events (8?) you can pick and choose from all events, not just a few.

Mis dos centavos.
Realize that the economy may keep the number of entries down next year and plan accordingly. Fewer races that are doubles may be a better deal for all.

My opinion doesn't much matter but this makes no sense to me...

doubles make financial sense and you get more racing per dollar. You already towed and paid for a hotel, mays well run two races right??

am I missing something:blink:

I do have one contribution though: the NARRC needs a scholarship for disadvantaged racers under 25. This will help poor young kids out and will help bring more young drivers into the sport. :D
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I third the winners stickers!

On the prize issue- I won a jacket and a trophy. Honestly, I'll never, ever wear the jacket. So i wrote and asked that the funds used to purchase an embroider the jacket be instead either given to me so that I can donate them to the worker fund, or that they be donated to the worker fund directly.

I'd have preferred the former, so i can write a nice note, but, whatever.

My request was vetoed and the reasons cited were that that money is part of the NARRC "marketing money".

Too bad, it won't do any good if I get the jacket hanging in my closet, and....well, anyway that's one idea.
As an observer to the NARRC points chase for the last couple of years, there's one downside that I've noticed to the series: it SIGNIFICANTLY affects which events get attended. Couple that to - IMO - *far* too many events in the immediate area, and you have significant chances for failure of events that are not NARRC-blessed.

The best way to handle this is for regions to get together, work together, and try not develop a schedule that doesn't require them to compete with each other for the same customers. Given this ain't gonna happen, probably the next best thing is to equalize them in terms of NARRC points, by making them ALL NARRC-sanctioned, but adjusting the "drops" so the same number of events count.

This would do two primary things: one, it would increase the number of people that would be eligible for points, as I'm guessing NO ONE can possibly run ALL events; and two, it would likely result in one hell of a points battle at the season-ending NARRCoffs. In addition, it would increase participation late in the season of non-NARRC events.

All Regional events run in the Northeast Division should be NARRC eligible. Yeah, it's a lot of events, but since you only count your best X events (8?) you can pick and choose from all events, not just a few.

Mis dos centavos.

I probably wont be in the hunt next year as I am looking at fewer events, probably the Pro IT thing, but I do lfollow it closely and want to add my thoughts. I like Gregs thoughts, however I would need to do the math out to be 100% on board. Greg does point out what I think is an issue; The highest participated events are NARRC events and those race weekends continually take away participants from other events. (Although I think that it is still a "Regions" decision for an event to be NARRC or not correct?)

I also agree on the comments that the NARRC races should only earn points at 1 race per weekend (last one?) even on a double regional weekend. Both races don't need to count towards NARRC but could still count towards the local series. Basically spread the points wealth, get more people a chance at getting NARRC points at their home track and then compete at the end of the year for the all or nothing NARRC Runoffs!!! It used to be that the NARRC Runoffs determined the championship, it seems as of the past 5 or so years the championship many times has been determined months prior.


What I was trying to say is that perhaps we may have fewer races out of economic necessity, and those remaining races should be doubles. The decision by a region to take the fiscal risk of putting on an event is to be applauded and supported. The NARRC sanction is their choice and a marketing decision.


I would want a NARRC champion to have to run at multiple venues to earn points. Winning all of the New Hampshire events or all of the Pocono events should not be enough. If you lok at the points in the well subscribed classes ( IT, SM, SSM, SRF, etc,) the top players all earned their points by travelling beyond their local sandbox. Also, once we have invested in tha travel I see no reason that both races in a double should not count.


I would want a NARRC champion to have to run at multiple venues to earn points. Winning all of the New Hampshire events or all of the Pocono events should not be enough. If you lok at the points in the well subscribed classes ( IT, SM, SSM, SRF, etc,) the top players all earned their points by travelling beyond their local sandbox. Also, once we have invested in tha travel I see no reason that both races in a double should not count.


I like Greg's idea, but I was thinking the same thing Dave. Bonus points for each track you run? Maybe 100 points for the second track, 300 for the third and 500 for the fourth?
Iwas looking forward to raceing in the NARRC Series & the NARRC RUNOFFS this season but its starting to seem more confusing than I remember. ? What happened to 14 races Best 8 count,12 points for first,9 for second 7 third & so on. And what is this 500 point bonus. Have I been messing with the SPO that long that I missed a memo?Holy crap...:shrug:
All races should be NARRC eligable and drop a number for min amount(8) whatever works and gets entries without the racer going broke to do it.
Dollars and bowling trophies based on class participation.:smilie_pokal:
Dan (some of you still remember the 7)
We need more comments on this to make NARRC in 2009 even better.

At this point NARRC charges $6 per car at an event. All entries are counted. To make it so any event can count how does the fee get applied? Do we have to preregister for the NARRC championship for 2009? We count 8 races toward the championship so that would be $6 x 8 events for a registration cost of $48?

There are 2 MARRS races on the schedule at NJMP in 2009. The October date is there as well for the JRRC. Do we want NARRC at NJMP? Make the JRRC the NARRC season finale after the NARRC runoffs?


There will be a NARRC Town Forum at the Mini-Convention after the lunch on Saturday. Get your comments to your Driver's Rep. The Commitee will listen to the drivers. Your voice will be heard. OK - enough of the Ra-Ra crap....
Here would be my comments.

1. Get rid of the administrative "slush fund".
2. The series seemed better this year with more tracks involved.
3. The NARRC runoffs still needs work to get the car counts and excitement back.
4. Remove all overlap races. Otherwise regions will loose especially given the current economics.
5. Do not make too many weekends back to back. This year I heard a lot of complaints about too many weekends too close to each other.
Back to back weekends are tough for us old guys.
Pay points way back in the field, for us old guys.
Points for a max of two weekends per track.
Doubles are good, for us old guys.
Make multi track bonus available but not more than a win!
Show down at NJMSP in Oct for NARRC, MARRS bragging rights and cool T-shirt.
Give bonus points for Senior Ciiizens!:rolleyes:
NJMP should absolutely have a NARRC event.
As an aside-would it be possible to run both configurations at New Jersey in one weekend? I know moving trailers, etc. along that 1.5 mile road from one track to the other on Saturday evening would be a pain, but I think it would be neat to have such an event-maybe show different advantages of different cars/drivers..
I guess you could just stay in the one paddock and use it as a practice or warm up run to the other grid. :eclipsee_steering: