Finishing up the setup on the cars today, but most everything is done. We will still be going as we have some "new stuff" in the cars that definatly needs some sort of testing
We will also be testing differnt rain setups, and we will give some feedback for all.
1) compairing the dirt stockers to the new hoosier rains with the same car/driver in back to back sessions. (We have compaired with each car having the different tires in the same session, and decided that it was imposible to tell as we were both blazingly fast

2) Some have suggested running with near zero camber to get maximum grip under braking. We will be compairing that 'zero camber" theory with the "dry camber" settings (+/- 5 degrees) to see what works best. Last year at the NARRC Runoffs I ran with the "zero camber" theory and it seemed to work well... it will be nice to compaire in back to back sessions.
We don't really have rear sway bars or adjustable struts so we will not have a "soft" and "stiff" setup to compair, otherwise we would also test that.
See anyone who goes at the track, and for everyone else I will post my "testing results"
after the NARRC Runoffs are complete, got to get some advantage for the weekend out of the testing!!!