neck restraints


New member
Is there somewhere (I can't find it) where the GCR lists approved devices??

The reason I ask is that, 1. I need to buy one 2. The new NecksGen device seems to have the appropriate certification AND it does not aggrevate my multibroken collar bone.

Question is it "approved" for SCCA?? It's a lot (to me anyhow) money and I don't want to make a mmistake.


The SCCA does not list "approved" devices; it relies on "industry standard" certifications. As such, the reg reads:

"...the use of a head and neck restraint system that
has been certified in accordance with SFI 38.1, FIA 8858-
2002 or 8858-2010 is required."

So that's your bogey. See GCR 9.3.20.C.2, p94 in March 2013 GCR for details.

- GA
Just received my NecksGen and will be using it with SCCA.

Dad has used his at a couple of races with no questions. I'll have mine in at Roebling in a couple of weeks. They meet the required certification, seem to be much better than HANS to me ...
Chalk me up as another who's using a NecksGen. It's compliant, and I have found it to be relatively comfortable, and not too problematic with getting in and out of the car.
I'm using the NecksGen's predecessor, the DefNDer. It was and still is SFI certified, and the NecksGen folks provide service and parts for it, as well. Also comfortable, and no trouble from Tech.
Excellent, thanks for the responses. I'll be another 'happy' user.


I just picked up a DefNder for cheap. At the price point these were offered at, lots of folks bought them for use at DE's so they crop up on the used market for ~$200+ less than a new NecksGen.
