NERRC & NARRC points?


New member
Does anyone know of an easy way to get updated points? Both NERRC and NARRC are from July and mylaps doesn't list classes. Sadly I don't know everyone's names and I wanted to see the most recent results for NARRC and who won the NERRC championships this year!

Yup... I do the NER points. Just finished the updates from the Aug NHMS race, but cannot post them yet as there are a handful of member number/name elements that are being clarified. I should get the Cheap Date book in a week or so, then I can update it as well.

Any specifics... please feel free to send me a PM and I will give you what I "unofficially" have.


is this also fixed?

"The points for the race on June 6, group 2 and 7 have not been
finalized as of yet due to a discrepancy in those 2 groups."

Hey Glen,
Working through this right now actually! I hope to have a "clean" (clean as I can make it) set of pre-cheap date points posted soon.

It is I the NARRC points keeper. I need to get a special version of the results sorted by class within race group and it took a bit to get. So I just got them and will be working on them as much as I can. Like everyone I am swamped and have to find time. Sorry for the delay.

Keeping Points is a VERY time consuming job... One thought I have had for a long ime is to find a few different people from different groups of classes to help. For example I am sure a few of us IT folks wouldn't mind helping keep track of the IT results and I am sure you could find someone in Prod, open wheel, SM/SSM etc.

Raymond "Just a thought to help relieve some stress next year!" Blethen
I will help this this year if you need it...

Next year I would also do the points and year end trophies as well. To me This seems like something I am capable of and would allow me to contribute without needing to specifically commit to attending every event. I wish I could help and do trophies all year long BUT I can't commit to each race...
