New door bar rule examples


New member
Since we've been provided with these neat tech sub-forums, I thought it might be fun/educational for people to put up pics of their interpretations of "NASCAR" bars.

My old Scirocco:

Diver's side.



Passenger side. Fortunately for whoever owns this car now, I put 2 bars over here when I built it in 2001.


Originally posted by racer_tim@Aug 8 2005, 01:32 PM
1 question, why didn't you extend them into the "door" so you could remove the glass?

In 2001, when I built the car, you could only gut the drivers side. That is why only the drivers side is gutted and the passeger side has the glass, door panel, etc. intact.

I would change the passenger side, but (as I mentioned above) I sold the car.
Originally posted by Speed Raycer@Aug 8 2005, 03:03 PM
Hey Nico! Long Time!!!

Weren't you also Daily Driving the car as well?

I lost track of this thread...

I did drive it everyday for a while and always drove it to the track. I still have fond memories of driving to St. Louis, in October, wearing my ski mask
Yo - Nico . . . do you still have all the img's of my suspension and the development photos on my cage?? If so, could you send 'em to me?

And are you still driving that damn Audi?? I figured that got rolled into a ball a long time ago!

Originally posted by ITANorm@Jan 7 2006, 11:30 PM
Yo - Nico .  .  .  do you still have all the img's of my suspension and the development photos on my cage??  If so, could you send 'em to me?

And are you still driving that damn Audi??  I figured that got rolled into a ball a long time ago! 


Pics are on the way.

Same Audi.
What is the new rule? I ask because the old rule said not to modify the stock side impact beam, but in my car the previous owner HAD to modify the stock side impact beam to fit the cage, It passed tech in his region (St. Louis region) But I'm a bit woried about my region.

(padding removed to mount new net)
Originally posted by RSTPerformance+Jan 8 2006, 03:03 PM-->
When are you gong to start racing an audi ;)


When a 4000 quattro gets classed. :rolleyes:

@Jan 8 2006, 07:59 PM
What is the new rule? I ask because the old rule said not to modify the stock side impact beam, but in my car the previous owner HAD to modify the stock side impact beam to fit the cage, It passed tech in his region (St. Louis region) But I'm a bit woried about my region.

(padding removed to mount new net)


New rules and old rules specifically say you can't modify/cut the side impact beam in IT period. I was able to damn near make the drivers side door bars touch the inside of the sheet metal door skin while making the upper bar go under the impact beam in the Scirocco. I attached a couple of pics.

Did you buy that Rabbit from a guy named Cameron something?




It's a nice car, just has a few issues that need to be resolved, the window net mounting for one, and the wiring. Do you think the door will pose a problem? I mean technically it's illegal, but this cage is really well done. It passed tech, it has a logbook.
I wouldn't protest you over it. If it were my car and I didn't have the means to easily fix it, I'd paint the inside of the door black.
***It passed tech in his region (St. Louis region) But I'm a bit woried about my region.***

***I mean technically it's illegal, but this cage is really well done. It passed tech, it has a logbook.***

After reading shit like this I would protest your SCCA car just to make a point to the St louis Region, to who ever issued the log book & to the owner of the car. & then we all talk about CREEP & who beats who because they CHEAT.

The friken door beam is to be non modifyed for SAFETY reasons. Do ya cut holes in the side of your helmet so you can hear better ? :bash_1_:
Originally posted by ddewhurst@Jan 9 2006, 02:49 PM
***It passed tech in his region (St. Louis region) But I'm a bit woried about my region.***

***I mean technically it's illegal, but this cage is really well done. It passed tech, it has a logbook.***

After reading shit like this I would protest your SCCA car just to make a point to the St louis Region, to who ever issued the log book & to the owner of the car. & then we all talk about CREEP & who beats who because they CHEAT.

The friken door beam is to be non modifyed for SAFETY reasons. Do ya cut holes in the side of your helmet so you can hear better ? :bash_1_:

That's not all that was wrong, the car had ballast behind the front passenger seat mount, in the spare tire well, and ZIP TIED to the body just in front of the right rear wheel well. I don't think he did it to cheat, just didn't fully read the rulebook. I have spent last week looking for anything else wrong. So far I only found the window net, door beam, and ballast that was illegal.

I am considering getting another door and trying to make it fit somehow without modifying the beam...But I don't see how it's possible.
Definitely get yourself the new door, but save yourself the aggrivation and have a new doorbar installed. If it's a money issue, cut the old bar out yourself and then take it to a cage builder. About 2 hours worth of work.
Originally posted by ddewhurst@Jan 9 2006, 02:49 PM
Do ya cut holes in the side of your helmet so you can hear better ? :bash_1_:

No, he uses his helmet as a wheel chock, then drives over it. :023: