New Member


New member
Hi I'm a new member and would like to get started in IT racing. I have been looking at several cars. What cars would you suggest for a new person starting out? Are fuel cells required in these cars? I have been looking at the ITB class. Any sugguestions and/or help would be appreciated.

Fuel cells are not required in IT. As far as where to start I would take my time and decide on whether you want front or rear wheel drive. They drive different. I don't know how much seat time you have so it's hard to say. Buy the best car your afford. It's better to start with a car that has been sorted out and drives good than buy a cheaper car that needs to be worked out and handles like crap. You can chase your tail and tear up a lot of stuff that way. Go to the track and see the car run.
TAKE YOUR TIME look around and find whats right for you.

welcome to IT, your 240sx could be a good choice. there have been some fast ones , both in ita & its. come on , jump in & start having some fun ..... ralph
I have had quite a bit of seat time over the years mostly in a front wheel drive mini (original mini). Still racing super karts in the midwest but I live in Florida. Really don't want to spend more that 5K for a car.
Welcome, to the Monkey House. IT is a great place to start racing, and IMHO is a great place to stay (starting my 21st year in the category)


Buying is CHEAPER, unless you have all the skills needed to build and develope the
car and really need to get you hands dirty and fully understand every nut and bolt.
I've built 2 and bought 3, buying a well developed car is better and will get you on
track much sooner.

Buy Dave's book!

Go to the track, look at what people are doing, see what's competitive, see what's
fun, see what's a lot of work!, decide which class appeals (bigger in this case is
better!). Talk to the drivers and crew, most of us are assholes, but a few will help
a rookie (new meat!)

Buy Dave's book!

Do some track days, fast driving on track is different than on the road or in an auto-x,
find out if it's for you before a big investment.

Buy dave's book!

Have fun! that's the main goal, very few of us go on to the big time. Visit here and
ask questions, there is a massive amount of knowledge and experience and at least
some BS here, take advantage!

There is a guy---Dave Gran---who wrote the book, buy it!

Have fun!!!!
I have had quite a bit of seat time over the years mostly in a front wheel drive mini (original mini). Still racing super karts in the midwest but I live in Florida. Really don't want to spend more that 5K for a car.

Check the ads, with this economy, you can get some good, competitive, developed cars for that kind of money. Literally pennies on the dollar!
you did mention you live in florida. fl. region is having a race on 4& 5 april,at PBIR [moroso].come on by and talk to guys at the track. and look at the cars ,get more info b4 buying.