I viewed the same stuff going on at the Runoffs with the Spec Miata folks & had I had a Spec Miata being given the same @#$% they were given the car would have been on the trailer (not that anyone would have cared).......... The whole deal from my perspective was sicking.
Dave –
Please explain to me what you’re talking about. Not trying to be confrontational here, I really want to know. If I don’t know what the problems are I sure can’t do anything about them.
Do you feel that I looked at too may items, too few items, or the wrong items? Is the problem you have with the penalties handed out? If so, please understand that I have no control over that. I measure and report my findings; after that it goes to the one of the first courts. After that the competitor can, of course, appeal either the findings or the penalty.
The feedback I got from the SM community during, and after, the runoffs last year was overwhelmingly positive, on the tech side anyway. If you believe I was going about something the wrong way, or looking at the wrong things, I need to know about it. Some of the things I looked at turned out to be non-issues, and a waste of everyone’s time. Some things were big problems. I’m also sure there were things I should have looked at but didn’t.
I’m working on the impound lists for this year right now, and I'm behind the curve. Please tell me what you think I should do differently this year. I’m not saying that I’ll implement all, or any, of your suggested checks, but I guarantee you that if you tell me what you think I’ll consider it. The chief steward and the chief of tech have given me pretty free reign on what I look at, so if you convince me it’s worth doing, we’ll probably be able to get it done.
You won’t be the only person offering their opinion. Members of the SMAC have contacted me, as have a number of folks racing in the class. I listen to each and every one, and appreciate the effort they take to give me their, usually well reasoned, opinion. If you would rather take this off line send me a PM and I’ll give you my email address and phone number.
We were pretty aggressive with the SM group last year, responding to requests from both within and outside that community to either confirm or refute the persistent and well known rumors that ‘almost everyone in SM is cheating’.
After looking at more than half the field last year there are two things I’d like to point out: During qualifying, when we pulled cars at random, we found areas of non-compliance in three of ten cars, on average. Post race, when we looked at the top six much closer than we had up to that point, the cars were pretty clean. We found one issue that the stewards decided was too minor to pursue, and the other five were squeaky clean (at least in the areas I looked at). There may be some cheatin’ going on in SM, but not so much at the pointy end of the field. If you want to know what the issue was, if you don't by now, it's all over on SM.com. The 'guilty' party came completely clean about it.
I can suggest another Runoffs class that just as many cars would be given the boot except that the SCCA has NO BACK BONE & they would NEVER check this suggested class. For this class when they have an illegal issue they change the rule making the illegal issue legal.
I do have the ear of the chief, and if you’ll fill me in on what class you’re talking about, and what the problems are, either publicly or in private, I’ll pass them along. No one in tech wants to see competitors driving non-compliant cars, and I'm a bit puzzled as to why you believe there is a class we would never check.
Rule changes are, of course, not within tech’s job description, and I’ll not share what I think about any particular last minute rule change. In general, it can go either way. Sometimes a last minute change corrects a wrong that should have been corrected earlier, but wasn’t for some reason. Sometimes a rule is changed at the last minute for a less noble reason. Either way, that’s not my bag.