New track in NC (High Rock Lake)

It was in the paper here over the weekend. It's an old textile mill site between I-85 and I-29 on the river. The permits have not been issued yet but they are planning on using private funds, so hopefully it will go through. It's an Alan Wilson design(same guy who did kershaw, I think it's Alan?) It's to be a country club set up with apartments,garages, resturants, and retail shops. It did say that club racing was in the plans but I don't believe they contacted anyone that I know of.
It looks like the guy that did Kershaw did it. I was at CMP this past weekend. I stopped doing drivers schools there some time ago and now I remember why. The first half is great and I don't mind some of the turn of the second half, but enough is enough. They need to put a long sweep between turn 12 and 13 and then it would flow better. Just my opinion. This new track looks about the same. Just when you get into a rhythm the track stops you dead. I don't mind slow turns but why so many?

Tracks that interrupt the flow seem to be Mr. Wilson's style. The shortlived track here in AZ (Arizona Motorsports Park) was really fun until you got to turn 8/9. Then it was in the weeds or spin out the other end or something. If there was an apex (or 3) thru the complex I never found it, at least not consistently.

Spec RX7 #11
Scottsdale AZ
I think that's supposed to be the new european "F1" style of design. Chicanes and hairpins rather than flowing turns. They can leave it for the F1 tracks. It's not like we go 200mph and need a hairpin to slow us down. It just burns up brakes and feels like racing on an autocross course. Give me an old style track like VIR any day.
I was never a fan of CMP back when I was running driving schools. Racing is a different matter. There are ample passing opportunities...makes for a great racing track.
FYI, the current issue of PRI has a feature article on road racing. It claims all track schedules are chock full.

With fees up and schedules packed, it's no wonder private investors want to build.

Anyone know what it costs per mile to lay asphalt these days?

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Well, as i am sure you know Gregg, the asphalt is the cheap part! And IT isn't cheap! I think that the cost today are found in the permit procurement....

Find a state that needs the money, has little environmetal clout, and there is a slight chance of success.

I see this is another "Country Club" style affair. Does anyone know how many tracks that are in the same genre there actually are, and how many are profitable?

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\"> Anyone know what it costs per mile to lay asphalt these days? </font>

The guy that built Arizona Motorsports Park is on record as saying he has 6.5M invested in the facility (now dormant). It is something like 2.2 miles of some very nice, grippy asphalt. There aren't a lot of amenities for that either (a few T-hanger style parking spots, a couple of semi-permanent buildings and a fence). But there is a totaly paved parking area and a huge (800x800 I think) skid pad / auto x course.

Spec RX7 #11
Scottsdale AZ
All I can say is Horses for courses. Learn to drive the track as laid out. My thoughts are that people don't like CMP because they don't get around it very well. Daytona flows, but is boring as hell in a little car. Road Atlanta just isn't the same without the Dip, and Charlot... excuse me, LOWE'S Motor Speedway is rough as a cob. And Lord knows, I still have yet to see what anybody see's in Roebling Road.
Now before anybody takes this personally, what I want to say is we are all racers. You set the car the car up as best you can, then drive the car as best you can. This ain't Solo, I ain't racing the track. I am racing the guy(person) in front of, beside, or behind me. If all the tracks posed the exact smae challenges, it would be a dull affair, indeed.


By the way, my least favorite track was recently shut down for good. I never cared for Rockingham at all. Dosen't mean I didn't race there though.
Originally posted by Russ Myers:
And Lord knows, I still have yet to see what anybody see's in Roebling Road.

Much like your comment about CMP, I've found that those who don't drive Roebling well, don't like it. Not to imply that you don't drive Roebling well, but I never liked it until I figured out that brakes were nearly optional for T1. Now, I love the track, but I hate that it eats tires 3-4 times faster than VIR or Road Atlanta.

[This message has been edited by Bryan Watts (edited March 08, 2005).]