New Track in Tamworth NH back on


New member
I was just reading the Valley Motorsports website, and looks like as of OCt 14 th they have their final permit to start construction. Does anyone have more or definate information. Track looks beautiful on paper.
Valley Motorsports Park (VMP) has been actively working behind the scenes gathering their approvals without much announcement of their progress. They have been in the crosshairs of a very active anti-track group calling themselves Focus:Tamworth (FT). Check out their website to see their activity and methods

Every permit issued to VMP has been scrutinized by FT with appeals on 2 of the 3 issued by the State of NH. FT is using every legal challenge at their disposal to stop or at least slow the construction of the facility, justifiable or not. FT’s appeal of the Dredge and Fill permit was denied being heard by an 8-0 vote of the NH Wetlands Council. Their tactics appear to be directed to cause as many legal hurdles and delays as possible in hopes the developers will give up on the project.

We as club racers are fortunate that the investors in VWP have some deep pockets, a published $500 million in personal net worth and a desire to continue to rebuff the challenges of their opposition. They have a true desire to complete the project. We as club racers can only benefit from Valley Motorsports Park being constructed.

Visit the Club Motorsports website (developers of VWP) and drop them a note showing your support. We could be in the position of our fellow SCCA racers in Colorado loosing Second Creek Raceway and Pikes Peak International Raceway to all motorsports activities forever. We can thank NASCAR (more specifically their race track holding company ISC) for all but killing Club Racing in Colorado.
Hey Dave,

I just read all the info CMI has posted, I have one question/problem.
they never mention wheel to wheel competition and the #'s they use in the operations manual seem low.

The reason i bring this up is out in AZ they did not fully state what would happen at the track have been shut down for that reason.

the CMI op's manual says's a typical weekend will have about 100 cars on the track most of which will be driven there. each car might have 1 crew for an average of 250ish . will this be a problem when SCCA shows up with 900 people?

brian m
Originally posted by bg43wex@Nov 1 2005, 06:39 PM
Hey Dave,

I just read all the info CMI has posted, I have one question/problem.
they never mention wheel to wheel competition and the #'s they use in the operations manual seem low.

The reason i bring this up is out in AZ they did not fully state what would happen at the track have been shut down for that reason.

the CMI op's manual says's a typical weekend will have about 100 cars on the track most of which will be driven there. each car might have 1 crew for an average of 250ish . will this be a problem when SCCA shows up with 900 people?

brian m
Brian is correct. Way out here in Arizona we had a great track AriZona Motorsports Park. It was shut down after a year or two of operation because they stated there would be a total of 150 cars or some low number like that on site at one time(including spectator cars) They also stated it would be used for Driver Education but never mentioned wheel to wheel racing and so they had their permits pulled.
Originally posted by bg43wex@Nov 1 2005, 06:39 PM

the CMI op's manual says's a typical weekend will have about 100 cars on the track most of which will be driven there. each car might have 1 crew for an average of 250ish . will this be a problem when SCCA shows up with 900 people?


is/was NER SCCA planning on having any race dates there? I remember it being discussed about how NER should put in a deposit for date preferences and it seemed like it was decided they didn't want to do that yet. And from the operating procedure CMI has online it doesn't sound like they are preparing to allow wheel to wheel racing. It says vehicles used for non competition and max of 250 people at the track on a weekend, and no vehicles on track before 11am on sunday. So, it doesn't seem like it will be an option at all.

Is that the case? Has NER been in contact at all with CMI?

just wondering what's new here from an NER point of view.

Originally posted by stevel@Nov 4 2005, 12:44 PM
Is that the case?  Has NER been in contact at all with CMI?

yes there have been meetings and both Brian and I have been to the sight and met with the president.