NH Legislation Could Hurt Road Racing

Dave Patten

New member
New Hampshire Residents!

Current legislation before the NH House could seriously effect the future of any new road racing facility in the State. The State of NH’s House of Representatives has a bill, HB90, under consideration that would impact future amateur road racing facilities in the State.

Go to http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/ie/billsta.../defaultpwr.asp , enter HB90 under bill number and submit. This will allow you to access additional details on the legislation.

This bill calls for the repeal of RSA 287-G, which defines “Private Driving Instruction and Exhibition Facilities”. The definition includes the allowed use at these facilities for non-spectator competition, i.e. SCCA Road Racing. On the surface this doesn’t appear to be a big deal, but 287-G also excludes these facilities from needing to be licensed as “Race Tracks” under RSA 31:41-a.

If RSA 287-G is repealed, any Town can adopt very strict ordinances controlling/licensing Race Tracks. One such Town’s ordinance requires no more than 69 db at the property line. I can’t imagine trying to construct a facility that would meet this, LRP muffled is 85 db and it’s tough to meet that level with some cars.

This repeal is strictly targeted at the proposed Club Motorsports facility in Tamworth, NH and any club track that NER may be considering building in NH. RSA 287-G was specifically adopted to exclude driver training and country club type race tracks from Race Track Ordinances as their operation is totally different.

We know how our club events operate and we are not your typical Saturday night circle track that NH legislators are exposed to. The operation of a “Private Driving Instruction and Exhibition Facilities or Club Track” needs to be explained to our legislators. The use is very different from what a, for profit, spectator circle track is.

We need to write letters asking for them NOT to approve HB90.

We should point out the following differences.
o We have NO spectators; the only people on site are club members, people directly connected with the event and facility staff.
o Club racing is done during the daytime, no evening/night racing.
o Some club racing cars can be worth over $1,000,000. These are rare, irreplaceable collector cars from racing’s history. The owners take great pride in bringing them out to display them at speed in historic races.
o Contact between cars during races, other than unintentional, is NOT allowed. Drivers are suspended for intentional contact; some Clubs will suspend driving privileges for as long as 13 months for contact, irregardless of responsibility.
o Private driving schools will use these facilities for high speed driver training. Many BMW, Porsche and other Clubs will use the facility to hold high speed driver instruction schools, teaching drivers better road driving and car control skills.
o Activities at a club track are often multi day events. School participants and Club Members will travel long distances to come to an event. They will stay overnight in local Hotels and Bed & Breakfasts and dine out much like skiers or other tourists do when they visit New Hampshire.

As you can see the use at a “Private Driving Instruction and Exhibition Facilities” is much different than the NASCAR racetrack in Loudon or even the local stockcar race tracks in Epping, Lee, Claremont, Winchester, Rumney, Groveton or North Woodstock. They operate like a golf course or a ski area and should be excluded from being grouped with race tracks.

Please contact your local House Representative and express your displeasure of HB90 and ask that they not vote for the bill. Make sure you include your full name and address in your letter.

You can find your NH House Representative at: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/ie/whosmyleg/

The wording of RSA 287-G:1 is at:

RSA 31:41-a is at:

RSA 31:42 is at:

Please write your letters and spread the word to other message boards that reach NH residents. Feel free to copy this post to other sites. The broader this information is spread the better contact with our representative we will have.

I will post a copy of my letter, to my House Rep, when I complete it.

Thank you for your support. This is for all Club Racers.

Dave Patten
Dunbarton, NH
Dave Patten:
Thank you for the alert re the pending NH legislation change.
I'll send a few letters and I hope others will too.
Bill Miskoe - 26 ITS
Pittsfield NH .
A public hearing on this bill will held on Feb 17, 2005 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm, at the Brett School, Tamworth Rd, Tamworth NH.

The hearing will be continued on Feb 22, 2005 @10:00AM in Concord, NH at the Legislative Office Building, RMs 301-303

Please make sure that your local representatives know your stand on this bill.